10 HIDDEN OP Champs & Builds for PATCH 11.21 – League of Legends

10 HIDDEN OP Champs & Builds for PATCH 11.21 – League of Legends
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00:00 – Introduction
00:35 – Akali build
01:57 – Tahm Kench Spells
02:58 – Lillia build
03:56 – Warwick build
04:59 – Question of the day
05:20 – Vladimir build
06:13 – Twisted Fate build
07:09 – Yasuo build
08:07 – Senna build
09:01 – Xayah build
10:17 – Bard build
11:11 – Outro

#lolguides​​ #leagueoflegends​​ #skillcapped


26 thoughts on “10 HIDDEN OP Champs & Builds for PATCH 11.21 – League of Legends”

  1. For better warwick players. Better build and runes are pta domination secondary with sudden impact and relentless hunter. Build tiamat into kraken then titanic and then situational depending on enemy team.(wits end for mr , Steraks or spirit or thorn etc)

  2. 5:00 Its 100/70 from the 12% bonus, not actually 100%. Meaning that if you go and trade a few hits (say like, 3 as a lucian) around level 2-3 that is about 75 dmg each hit, that is (3x 75 x (0,12*0,7)) which is around 18+5 (from the first strike) gold. Not that much tbh. And this in an all in scenario. Sure it hasten your lategame but thats not actually broken

  3. I literally found the op.gg of the Korean predator TF main (낭만 윤성민) like 10 minutes before watching this lmao. What are the odds? But a few differences: he always starts boots refillable and sweeper, and his runes are predator, cheap shot, zombie ward, relentless hunter, minion demat and cosmic insight.


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