10 KEY Ultimates EVERYONE Uses WRONG – League of Legends

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0:00​ Intro
0:27 Bard
1:44 Jhin
2:46 Miss Fortune
3:45 QOTD
4:08 Mordekaiser
5:02 Viego
5:47 Samira
6:29 Ahri
7:50 Janna
8:35 Ryze
9:26 Kalista
10:53 Conclusion
11:15 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.9, Best support 11.9, best mid laners 11.9, best junglers 11.9, best top laners 11.9, patch 11.9 rundown, 11.9 lol, 11.9 changes, item buffs 11.9, turbo chemtank nerfs 11.9, deadman’s plate nerfs 11.9, Hecarim nerfs 11.9, Morgana nerfs 11.9, Diana nerfs 11.9, Dr. Mundo nerfs 11.9, rumble nerfs 11.9, vlad nerfs 11.9, jinx nerfs 11.9, gragas nerfs 11.9, heimerdinger nerfs 11.9, garen nerfs 11.9, moonstone renewer buffs 11.9, death’s dance buffs 11.9, wits end buffs 11.9, kindred buffs 11.9, shen buffs 11.9, xerath buffs 11.9, kog’maw buffs 11.9, taric buffs 11.9, lulu buffs 11.9, trundle buffs 11.9, kayn buffs 11.9, sett buffs 11.9,

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34 thoughts on “10 KEY Ultimates EVERYONE Uses WRONG – League of Legends”

  1. QOTD: sett’s ult. It’s so fun picking someone up and yeeting them into their team for a stun engage or even more fun to go beyond a target and kidnap them into your team for an easy pick.

  2. I love Lucian's ultimate. So many people (especially in low elo when smurfing) heavily underestimate Lucian's ultimate so they don't respect his level 6… until they lose 75% of their hp from his R alone.

  3. yeah ppl, check bushes with Jhin's ult. At least I will have one less thing to worry about when fighting you hehe. What wonderful bad advice this is and I hope all my enemies will be adjusting their playstyles with this.

  4. Why does Riot chose champion pool based on patch which riot either nerfs or buffs based on their business model, this makes players to not have the privilage to make their own choices of what champion they want to play and rather players and people fall victim to manipulation of what champion based on riot champion nerf or buffs they should play, I am extremely unhappy about the fact that recent patch Udyr has been made to die even when tanky by champions like evelyn one vs one when they are equally strong but it takes evelyn 2 skills that is e and r to kill udyr with full hp of 3200 with tank stats, this buff nerf definately is forcing and manioulating me to chose another champion which i dont like and thus i feel, I dont have the choice when it comes to winning and winning is the driving force which is manipulative.

  5. Bard ult is the definition of fake it till you make it. I have probably lost more than 20 games learning the champion, but honestly, a good bard ult can win a game


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