10 Minutes of Useless Information about League of Legends Pt.10!

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10 Minutes of Useless Information about League of Legends Pt.9! The last one will shock you!

Here’s 10 Minutes more minutes of Useless Information about League of Legends (Part 10!). Facts, easter eggs, and a lot of unusual clips of league of legends. No information that really matters. After watching this video you will not benefit from the information but you may find it mildy interesting. Anyways here is 10 minutes of useless information about league and 10 minutes you won’t be able to get back. 10 Minutes of Useless Information about League of Legends Pt.10!

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Referenced Links!:
Korean Attack on Titan Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4IYP9iX1kc&t=15s&ab_channel=%EC%98%99%EA%B0%80


Music Credit:
LO-FI NO COPYRIGTH MUSIC [Lo-fi Hip-Hop Instrumental beats] (30 Minutes)


26 thoughts on “10 Minutes of Useless Information about League of Legends Pt.10!”

  1. 9:00 I was once matched against a friend that I used to play a lot with. The first second we loaded in the game we were joking around. We were also, weirdly enough, both toplane. I was playing camille vs his Jax. I won Lane for anyone wondering and carried the game 🙂

    Also the little extra work for m7 equaled to almost 80k mastery points for me to get my katarina from lv 6 to 7 (30k to 110k) super hard for me

  2. 9:07 there was this one time me and 4 of my friends met with 5 more of our friends in a game so we ended up basiclly playing a friendly game (our team won btw) And the other time I played ranked solo que and met one of my friend as a teammate

  3. 9:14 I also once got matched with someone in my friendlist. It was really crazy, especially cause it happend in silver, where most players are. I think it is important to say that cause I guess in high Elo where less people are, it is probably more common than in low elo. But there is another story. Once I got matched with a random twice in the same week. I only recognized him because he always posted his Twitch at the end of the match so I checked the match history and we played like 3 days ago against each other.

  4. The animes in order: Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Toph from Avatar the Last Airbender, Kirito from SAO, I think it's Inazuma Eleven but not sure, and Minato from Naruto Shippuden. Excellent taste btw!

  5. Concerning the one about being matched up against friends: I once joined up with 4 friends for a ranked game. My opponent was my then-boyfriend and his friends. We were both mid mains. That was an awkward game.


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