10 MISTAKES TO AVOID IN SEASON 11! (Apex Legends Tips & Tricks to Stop Losing Games & Start Winning)

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0:00 – Intro
0:33 – #1 – Chasing Fights
1:54 – #2 – Stay Mobile During Fights
2:58 – #3 – Taking Too Much Damage
4:08 – #4 – Poor Looting
5:42 – #5 – Forcing Your Drop
6:45 – #6 – Making Too Many Solo Plays
7:42 – #7 – Tunneling (VERY IMPORTANT)
8:45 – #8 – Wasting Key Abilities
9:32 – #9 – Tilting at Teammates
10:18 – #10 – Warm Up! (UNDERRATED)

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Concepts: How to play Apex Legends, Guide to Apex Legends, Guide, For noobs, Apex for noobs, Ultimate Beginners Guide, How to Win Games, Stop losing games, Learn Apex Legends, Apex Tips and Tricks, Best weapons Season 11, Most OP weapons in season 11, Worst Weapons in Season 11 Apex, Strong guns in apex legends, Weapon Tier List, Gun tier list, Apex Legends Tierlist, ALC, Fighting Guide, Season 11, Horizon Guide, How to Carry Your team, How to Stop Losing, Start winning more games, Best way to close out games, How to Rank up

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25 thoughts on “10 MISTAKES TO AVOID IN SEASON 11! (Apex Legends Tips & Tricks to Stop Losing Games & Start Winning)”

  1. Guys can I ask smthn i need to buy my first character i can fight but im not that good but i have a hard time to run away and im also a passive aggresive player which one should I pick out of three Wattson,Loba,and Horizon

  2. I have a problem getting tilted for sure I solo queue with randoms and nothing pisses me off more in apex then people running off by themselves or like yesterday one dude was going away from us do we followed on gravity cannon 1st guy gets into fight n gets downed immediately I down 1 and make second oneshot there was no 3rd and our teamate took gravity cannon back n ran he never fired 1st shot or tried to help it should have been easiest win ever and instead he ran then acted like he made right decision asked me what was I supposed to do die too I said no u was supposed to hit one bullet n we would have wiped team or even just be distraction would have won bcuz they both probably wouldn't have been just shooting me n I would have had enough health to finish 2nd guy. I understand not taking stupid fights but fk he could have at least tried to shoot n gravity cannon was always there he could have bailed if it started going bad but nope he turned n left the second he heard gunfire… pathetic

  3. first tip ONLY APPLIES to VERY high level!
    At any other time it is better to spend time learning to win gunfights. Not sitting around looting.
    You will get better, faster, and rank up naturally.
    Looting half the game then dying first fight, never warming up, is not good for anyone.

  4. The biggest thing I’m struggling on rn pushing for diamond is my ability to get next to a cover when I’m shooting I get the tunnel vision when someone makes a “cracked” callout and always catch myself overextending


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