10 Most INSANE FAKER OUTPLAYS In League of Legends Esports History

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We talk about the 10 best Faker outplays in League history.

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Concepts: Best ADC 10.20, Best support 10.20 best mid laners 10.20, best junglers 10.20, best top laners 10.20 patch 10.20 rundown, 10.20 lol, 10.20 changes, Karthus nerfs 10.20, Maokai nerfs 10.20, Kled nerfs 10.20, Nunu nerfs 10.20, Kassadin nerfs 10.20, Katarina nerfs 10.20, Lulu nerfs 10.20, Aatrox buffs 10.20, Illaoi buffs 10.20, Sion buffs 10.20, Urgot buffs 10.20, Ryze buffs 10.20, Varus buffs 10.20 Braum buffs 10.20,

0:00 Intro
0:39 QOTD
2:00 Number 10
5:02 Number 9
3:30 Number 8
6:24 Number 7
7:56 Number 6
9:24 Number 5
11:18 Number 4
13:20 Number 3
15:05 Number 2
16:55 Honorable Mention
17:56 Number 1
19:49 Conclusion
20:14 Outro

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33 thoughts on “10 Most INSANE FAKER OUTPLAYS In League of Legends Esports History”

  1. The honorable mention was my favorite solely because I just love and miss the koo tigers / rox tigers/ tigers, with smeb top, peanut jungle, kuro mid, pray ADC, and gorilla support. My favorite team of all time. I was so sad when I heard that they split up after 2016 worlds it broke my heart. I have never cheered for a team more.

  2. I want to see faker play champs that usually get easily countered, and are not very broken, like Sion, Yorick, Braum, TF, Early Nasus, and a few other. Im not impressed my flashy champs like leblanc, zed, irelia, any champ with dashes, or stuns. Im just not impresses by it. Champs that have very easily counterable kits, and still win, I'm impressed by. That's why when I see a god Sion. I know he's good. Or a braum that lands a 5 man ult. Or a sion that lands FOW Q's and ults in from behind and lands a 3-5 man ult. All those things require more skill than just dodging out of the way of something. Orianna ults are not impressive to me. There just not. Its a automatic win in a team fight if Orianna can land a 3-5 man ult. Its too easy to land.


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