10 NEW BROKEN Korean Builds YOU SHOULD ABUSE In Patch 11.20 – League of Legends

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0:00 Intro
0:24 Top
0:28 Lillia
1:43 Poppy
3:04 Recap Top
3:11 Jungle
3:15 Diana
3:55 Karthus
4:39 Recap JG
4:45 Mid
4:51 Gragas
5:32 QotD
5:45 Vex
6:42 Recap Mid
6:47 Camille & Galio
7:58 Recap Combo
8:04 Bot
8:09 Miss Fortune
8:52 Braum
9:22 Recap Bot
9:27 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.20 Best support 11.20, best mid laners 11.20, best junglers 11.20, best top laners 11.20, patch 11.20 rundown, 11.20 lol, 11.20 changes, item buffs 11.20, lord dominik’s regards nerfs 11.20, smite nerfs 11.20, taliayh nerfs 11.20, amumu nerfs 11.20, singed nerfs 11.20, jarvan IV nerfs 11.20, irelia nerfs 11.20, shen nerfs 11.20, senna buffs 11.20, darius buffs 11.20, elise buffs 11.20, hecarim buffs 11.20, udyr buffs 11.20,

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30 thoughts on “10 NEW BROKEN Korean Builds YOU SHOULD ABUSE In Patch 11.20 – League of Legends”

  1. i feel bad for low elo players who are actually gonna int by playing those, its not korean build , just random build that they make seem good but in reality its trash

  2. QOTD: For me? Future's market. I play Veigar so items on him are extremely important as well as farm. If you farm correctly you will pretty much negate your weaknesses in the early game because you will always be ahead in itemisation. Future's market makes him strong in every stage of the game.

  3. QOTD: Shield Bash gives my the good feels in my nether regions but that's mainly cause I main Shen but Second Wind and Presence of Mind are tied for second cause they mad underrated in terms of the healing and mana they provide

  4. QOTD: ghost poro, as someone who plays Rakan, I don't get why you'd pick zombie ward over poro. With zombie ward, you have to either start with oracle lense, so you got no wards, which sucks, or you have no value out of it until you upgrade your support item, while ghost poro basically just gives you additional vision on all of your trinket or totem (support item) wards, as well as extra stats earlier on.


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