10 NEW OP KOREAN Builds for PATCH 11.21 – League of Legends

10 NEW OP KOREAN Builds for PATCH 11.21 – League of Legends
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Concepts: league of legends,skill capped,korean builds,korean builds lol,korean builds 11.21,korean builds league of legends,korean builds league,lol korean builds,league korean builds,lol tier list,league tier list,lol patch 11.21,patch 11.21,league of legends 11.21,new korean builds,op korean builds,op season 11 korean builds,op builds,league of legends pro guides,league of legends guide,lol tier list low elo,lol tier list high elo,season 11,skillcapped

00:00 – Introduction
00:12 – Katarina (Top)
01:17 – Graves (Top)
02:06 – Camille (Top)
03:13 – Trundle (Jungle)
04:10 – Question of the day
04:29 – Udyr (Jungle)
05:29 – Azir (Mid)
06:25 – Darius (Mid)
07:33 – ADC
08:46 – Blitzcrank (Support)
09:50 – Nami (Support)
10:32 – SkillCapped & Outro

#lolguides​​ #leagueoflegends​​ #skillcapped


49 thoughts on “10 NEW OP KOREAN Builds for PATCH 11.21 – League of Legends”

  1. Out of all the pro players picking Graves top only Fudge knew how to build and runes select. That being said you can go bloodline instead of alacrity and please don´t run ispiration second and go resolve. Revitalize scales really good with your whole setup and bone plating or conditioning helps you get over thougher matchups. If you are playing the lane correctly you don´t need mana from coockies. And also don´t build collector LDR outperforms collector in also every scenario.

  2. IMO chat is useless in this game, every pro and coaches always say "mute all or delete chat in ur games" so I think if something is useless there is no point to keep it in game. They should delete team chat too, cuz we all know how league community looks like. Maybe then ppl will start play instead of talking for no reason cuz someone fked up one play on 4min

  3. Why remove all chat? I mostly dont enable it, and when i do its because I want to, as most of the people using it too, if its to toxic or not usefull to you, just hide it or mute all, the option is there so this preocupation from riot is once more completly out of context and not relevant, at least to me

  4. Removing all-chat won't make the game any less toxic and rito seems to know it as well. If they really want to decrease toxicity then give us a way to make our match history private. I don't want my team flaming me before the game even starts because I happen to be on an unlucky 5 game losing streak.

  5. All chat should 100% stay – thats why there is a mute option and all chat isnt a serious problem, its allied chat where the issue is. I hardly even type in all chat other than to say GG or something funny

  6. Removing all chat can be annoying for content creators if they want to give specific information in testing scenarios. Other solutions can be found easily.

    I recommend removing all chat only for RANKED ENVIRONMENTS.

    Here is how you can update the chat to give more custom options:

    option: mute team emotes

    option: mute team chats

    option: mute team pings

    system can be introduced to automatically muteing teammates:

    drop down: for auto mute chat:

    a) "aggressive auto mute"

    b) "only auto mute when spam"

    c) "never mute teammates"

    customize options if you want to join afterlobby:

    drop down: for afterlobby:

    a)“always join”

    b)“ask me”

    c)“never join”

  7. "OP korean builds" that feature Azir are honestly the most clickbait I can imagine. No it's not better than other Keystones. No just because it feels nice doesn't make it good whatsoever. And no just because pros take Aery on Azir means it's applicable for Soloq.

    And besides. AZIR OP?? yeah I don't think we live in that reality

  8. I think the only people that agree with all chat disabled being a right choice are stupid biased people or some delusional snowflakes getting tilted and malding after someone writes "EZ". All that while they 100% get flamed 5x more often on ally chat AND can just disable freaking all chat in options

  9. all chat isnt evedr a real problem, but team chat is the worst thing the game has. people are way more bold when behind a screen, if they used their own voices they prob wont even be that toxic but riot refuses to give a proper voice chat

  10. All chat is literally off by default you have to turn it on anyway Idk why they feel the need for this. People are aware of what they are getting into with turning it on.

  11. I am the one who uses all chat very mutch but regrets it after every match, thanks that Blizzard realizes that there are stupid people like me. 30% of the guys were real nice tho 🙁


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