10 OP OFF META Champions that are HIDDEN GEMS on PATCH 12.1 – League of Legends

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00:00 – Introduction
00:43 – Gragas Build
01:52 – Trundle Build
03:04 – Diana Build
03:52 – Hecarim Build
04:49 – Akshan Build
05:32 – Yone Build
06:09 – Jinx Build
7:09 – Aphelios Build
08:09 – Taric Support
09:04 – Janna Build
09:49 – SkillCapped & Outro

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26 thoughts on “10 OP OFF META Champions that are HIDDEN GEMS on PATCH 12.1 – League of Legends”

  1. I love that y'all included the Doaenel special build in this guide. For anyone in the comments, if you want top tier Hecarim gameplay Doaenel is the one to watch. He's actually a god.

  2. Definitely disregard the "Collector being only 92% gold efficient" thing. It's based off of 1 point of lethality being worth 5 gold, which is derived from serrated dirk and massively underestimates the actual gold value of lethality.

  3. don't you attack super slow on aphelios without lethal tempo? even if you have your passive attack speed maxed plus boots it might feel slow, usually a zeal fixes that

  4. Questions why most players are still building the same items. Well that's easy question to answer and that's because everyone is using auto-pilot apps like Blitz and U.GG that do everything for them while learning nothing and who are still using older data. Make a itemization guide for players to learn from so that you can see more players properly create items for there matches.

  5. lmao, do you watch common streamers?! Good! Literally every single one of these builds is from a commonly watched streamer and is DEFINETELY not under the radar in literally any way shape or form!

  6. The point of taking Lethal Tempo is to eliminate the need of building extra AS on Yone and rather focus on either damage (IE, Lord Dominik's, etc.) or survivability (Legend: Bloodline for Lifesteal, Randuin's, Death's Dance). And I don't see why I should take Legend: Alacrity for the extra AS when I already have a source of AS gain already.


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