10 SOLO CARRY Champs You NEED To Watch Out For in League of Legends Patch 12.2 – Season 12

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0:00​​​ Intro
0:35 Camille
1:51 Akshan
2:25 Xin Zhao
2:56 Hecarim
3:40 Pyke
4:28 Viktor
5:12 Veigar
6:00 Jhin
7:04 QOTD
7:21 Lux
8:20 Bard
9:08 Conclusion
9:32 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 12.2 Best support 12.2, best mid laners 12.2, best junglers 12.2, best top laners 12.2, patch 12.2 rundown, 12.2 lol, 12.2 changes, item buffs 12.2, preseason 12.2, chemtech drake 12.2, hextech drake 12.2, nocturne buffs 12.2, volibear buffs 12.2, yasuo buffs 12.2, yone buffs 12.2, veigar buffs 12.2, tristana buffs 12.2, senna buffs 12.2, shen nerfs 12.2, talon nerfs 12.2, qiyana nerfs 12.2, lulu nerfs 12.2, zed nerfs 12.2,

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29 thoughts on “10 SOLO CARRY Champs You NEED To Watch Out For in League of Legends Patch 12.2 – Season 12”

  1. QOTD: Morde…JUST READ HIS LORE it’s honestly a good read about the iron bastion, the black rose, and noxus, I also love swain because of his political power in the lore

  2. QOTD: It's Viktor for me. His lore and personality is something that I personally strongly resonate with. His drive for progress and evolution, his intelligence, his humbleness, and his kindness. Man he's amazing. His in-game design could be better, as well as his voicelines, but man he's still good. And then came Arcane and it made me love him even more.

  3. QOTD: Fiddlesticks. The rework on it was one of riots greatest reworks. The champions lore and theme are really cool as well- an ancient demon, the literal incarnation of fear itself, terrorising all of runeterra. The kit reflects this perfectly as well- you must learn to fear and respect it or potentially lose to a huge engage to an unseen ult. A good Fiddlesticks can and will strike fear in their enemies with more than just their abilities.

  4. QOTD: Viego, he’s such a great villain and represents some of the true evils in this world, his obsession and narcissism feel much more real than Mordekaiser’s dark lord vibes. I love everything abt him honestly.

  5. QOTD: Viego just sparks my system when it comes to playing League. I love how his kit actually works by playing how he plays out in his lore, being the evil conqueror ruining everything that goes against you. It just gets even better when you get fed and start deleting people with him

  6. QOTD: Rengar… i myself is a thrill seeker and a bit of a daredevil XD cant count how many times i've almost died because of it but alas I do learn more and more and with each experience allowing me to grow

  7. QOTD- Karma. Outside of jg, Karma can be played in every other position effectively due to her kit's versatility. You can one one shot squishies if you're going full AP as mid or bot, straight utility as a supp or go full tank in top. Mantra is tricky to counter play in team fights because no one really knows what's going to happen next as long as you pick the right one.

  8. Viktor Corki and Veigar still being in the state they are is absolutely shocking. They are far too easy for how safe and high damage they are. Akali Chemtank got insta nerfed but even that build struggled vs Viktor. So silly


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