10 Things to Know to Prep Your Shadowlands Goldmaking

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

I’m proud to prevent the last video on the channel without any live shadowlands footage. Good luck leveling in the first week. Profession-specific vids soon. 🙂
Legendaries Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1msifzGBOQoZrK-_46M8tCvYGI_LU4e_dynU9qoR97xk/edit?usp=sharing
Shadowlands Crafting Reputation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HyIZzdJBkiTwuE-fYG6YQieAiqN2v5aH0odcOTtiKq4/edit?usp=sharing
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Goldmaking: https://youtu.be/gZmdOZ7LmFQ
Targeting Macro: https://youtu.be/EEaei-N7Kgk
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31 thoughts on “10 Things to Know to Prep Your Shadowlands Goldmaking”

  1. Been 24 hours since expansion released, so if its anythign like BFA everything craftable is already cheaper than the material cost outside anything impossible to have gotten yet even by min/max speedrunners playing for 24 hours non stop =P

  2. i should have prepped more. I never got out of starter cave area on beta and the game slipped my mind. Them releasing the game at end of month had me a sad face when I dropped 130k gold on wow time to log in, see all the familiar guilds packed online doing their thing.. and i'm standing alone.. in Stormwind. to log off.. i was not prepared to pre-purchase shadowlands

  3. Mythic plus will require 1/5 as many potions now, not 2x as many. You could pot once every minute in m+ if you dropped combat, and could prepot every pull. Now you can only pot once every 5 minutes, period. Also, the in-combat CD on pots before was… forever, not 10 minutes, at least for raid bosses. You may be thinking of hero/lust, which applies a 10 minute debuff. Prior to the change, raiders would use precisely two potions for every boss pull, now they will use one, plus one more after 5 mins have passed. Most of the fights will likely be only one potion, some will be two, and the rare 10+ minute fight will be three. Either way, potions will be used something like 12x as often as flasks, given the potion CD vs the flask duration.

    tl;dr: potions will be used less.

  4. Someone asked on Reddit what's the best covenant for gold and I answered to pick whatever you want to play, got downvoted to oblivion. So nice to hear you think the same. I would rather play for two years with aesthetic I want and make less gold than pick something for min maxing and hating every minute of it.


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