10 WORST Champions YOU SHOULD AVOID Going Into Patch 11.13- League of Legends Predictions

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0:00 Intro
0:21 Top lane
0:25 Lucian Top
1:23 Renekton
3:13 Jungle
3:18 Dr. Mundo
3:59 Lillia
4:48 Mid Lane
4:52 Ryze
5:58 Irelia
6:58 Bot Lane
7:02 Lucian Bot
7:55 QOTD
8:12 Varus
9:10 Support
9:14 Twitch
10:34 Sett
11:50 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.13, Best support 11.13, best mid laners 11.13, best junglers 11.13, best top laners 11.13, patch 11.13 rundown, 11.13 lol, 11.13 changes, item buffs 11.13, mobility nerfs 11.13, divine sunderer nerfs 11.13, anathema’s chains 11.13, hullbreaker 11.13, shurelya’s battlesong nerfs 11.13, cosmic drive nerfs 11.13, nimbus cloak nerfs 11.13, galeforce nerfs 11.13, prowler’s claw nerfs 11.13, stridebreaker changes 11.13, rumble nerfs 11.13, lee sin nerfs 11.13, riven nerfs 11.13, dr. mundo buffs 11.13, xayah buffs 11.13, aphelios buffs 11.13, olaf buffs 11.13, luden’s tempest buffs 11.13, liandry’s anguish buffs 11.13, everfrost buffs 11.13, moonstone renewer buffs 11.13, ghost poro buffs 11.13, trinity force changes 11.13, lich bane changes 11.13, black cleaver changes 11.13, dead man’s plate changes 11.13, death’s dance changes 11.13,

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47 thoughts on “10 WORST Champions YOU SHOULD AVOID Going Into Patch 11.13- League of Legends Predictions”

  1. QOTD: in low elo (where I play) I’m gonna say Ivern. 9/10 the player is trying him for the first time, doesn’t play him jg, and winds up going 0//11/0 by the 20 minute mark

  2. "Renekton loses to almost every meta toplaner, including champs like Riven and Camille" As a renekton player i love when the enemy picks Riven because it just means a free lane and snowball. Camille can be tricky if the enemy plays her well, if they don´t it´s also a free lane. I also know that renekton has some outplay potential on other meta tops like Darius or Garen. It´s the tanks like Ornn or cho´gath that you struggle with/get countered by. Yes he get´s outscaled by pretty much every toplaner atm but that´s just the champ.

  3. I think that with the removal of the dash from stridebreaker and the nerf of dead man's plate Darius will become the most useless champion in the game, sadly, you could very well have a skin of Darius in a wheelchair, would be pretty much on point.

  4. Qotd: Corki offers no utility, burst or setup mid, hate to have him on my team at especially if I play something like Kayn with little set-up it's almost impossible to gank someone like a fizz or Leblanc. All he really offers is alot of DPS late game or maybe some cheesey roams, but if the enemy has like any awareness they would huge blaring noise that alerts you when Corki has package and you better watch out . I really hate that Corki has to base to get package, he should just get an airdrop automatically when it's time.


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