10 WORST Champions YOU SHOULD AVOID Going Into Patch 11.20 – League of Legends Predictions

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0:00 Intro
0:34 Top lane
0:38 Sion
2:14 Vladimir
3:20 Jungle
3:25 Pantheon
4:34 Zed & Qiyana
6:05 QOTD
6:15 Mid Lane
6:19 Azir
6:55 Bot Lane
6:59 Varus
7:32 Xayah
8:23 Support
8:27 Vex
9:28 Ivern
10:51 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.20 Best support 11.20, best mid laners 11.20, best junglers 11.20, best top laners 11.20, patch 11.20 rundown, 11.20 lol, 11.20 changes, item buffs 11.20, lord dominik’s regards nerfs 11.20, smite nerfs 11.20, taliayh nerfs 11.20, amumu nerfs 11.20, singed nerfs 11.20, jarvan IV nerfs 11.20, irelia nerfs 11.20, shen nerfs 11.20, senna buffs 11.20, darius buffs 11.20, elise buffs 11.20, hecarim buffs 11.20, udyr buffs 11.20,

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40 thoughts on “10 WORST Champions YOU SHOULD AVOID Going Into Patch 11.20 – League of Legends Predictions”

  1. QotD: Almost every champion in League can jungle. – Everyone here's mostly just saying which champs they wish had "this ability deals 150% extra damage to monsters" slapped on their main's Q.
    Just for memes, though, I would like to see someone figure out a way to play Vex in the jungle. Her very early game is pretty week, so if you were able to farm up the jungle until level 6 and then use your ult to gank..? – If you're out of vision in the bushes you'll be harder to snatch.
    Plus, imagine the Ult into empowered W smite steal plays on Braon and Drakes. – And it kinda works with her flavor, too. – Gloomy emo yordle wants to stay away from anything and everyone, kill the jungle to make herself a big empty space to be alone where nobody can see her being dark and shady, and then using Shadow to leap out on lanes that are being too obnoxious to silence those as well. – And maybe if you got the Scuttler puddle, Waterwalking and Celerity, you could even use your ult in a side lane, get the rest, and manage to run with it through river to be within range to ult mid lane too. – Or toss the free ult recast out in the baron or dragon pit to scout.

  2. Riot's attempts to make zed and qiyana junglers just by throwing extra monster damage in their kits felt so forced to me. Just add some more junglers?

  3. Qotd: back when rell was in the pbe i was playing her jg and since she had tankyness and cc she her ganks werent terrible. Only issue was her clear wasnt the best

  4. The problem with sion is that his entire kit is one of if not the most telegraphed and dodgable kit in the game. Everyone with a minor ms steroid or better can out maneuver him easily and avoid most of his damage. Hoesntly sion jg is more enjoyable then top sion. My fix would be either reward him more for hitting is q and ult or reduced his q charge time and make his ult easier to turn but not quite as easy to turn as nunu.

  5. Ryze jungle would be cool. I think it fits his lore (him being constantly on the move trying to protect the runes). I think Gnar should also be more of a viable jungle option; lore-wise, in my personal opinion, he also has a 'jungle' feel to him.

  6. Qotd: Quinn should go into the jungle. Her kit is perfect for it, she can roam well, has solid vision and has a good skirmishers playstyle. Plus it would solve her top lane problem.

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