10 WORST Champions YOU SHOULD AVOID Going Into Patch 12.3 – League of Legends Predictions

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0:00 Intro
0:28 Rumble
1:52 Ryze
2:35 Zed
3:25 Talon
4:09 Azir
4:59 QOTD
5:29 Orianna
6:18 Aphelios
6:58 Kalista
7:36 Pantheon
8:17 Vex
9:01 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 12.3 Best support 12.3, best mid laners 12.3, best junglers 12.3, best top laners 12.3, patch 12.3 rundown, 12.3 lol, 12.3 changes, item buffs 12.3, preseason 12.3, chemtech drake 12.3, hextech drake 12.3, lillia buffs 12.3, quinn buffs 12.3, zeri nerfs 12.3, senna nerfs 12.3, caitlyn nerfs 12.3, amumu nerfs 12.3, corki nerfs 12.3, pyke nerfs 12.3, twisted fate nerfs 12.3, leblanc nerfs 12.3, glacial augment nerfs 12.3, ahri 12.3 changes, nami 12.3 changes, turbo chemtank 12.3 changes, sunderer 12.3 changes, goredrinker 12.3 changes, trinity force 12.3 changes, sterak’s gage 12.3 changes, death’s dance 12.3 changes, black cleaver 12.3 changes, ravenous hydra 12.3 changes, maw of malmortius 12.3 changes, hexdrinker 12.3 changes, hearthbound axe 12.3 changes, blade of the ruined king 12.3 changes,

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47 thoughts on “10 WORST Champions YOU SHOULD AVOID Going Into Patch 12.3 – League of Legends Predictions”

  1. I really don't agree with aphelios, I get that people in lower elo's don't really play him well when it comes to proper gun order and swap combos but he can still output a lot of damage when you get to 2 / 3 items like other adc's

  2. QOTD: Scaling games. Early games are just inciting this FF meta we're in right now. This makes it sickening to play anything that scales well because your team just ends up ff'ing anyways even if its a winnable game.

  3. No way im still playing zed jungle or mid idc if its in here hes my fav, I literally have a skt t1 skin so gonna be waste if im avoiding him and by the way I get alot of kills if you build him perfectly

  4. Kalista has been one of the weakest champions for a long while. She used to be strong when almost nobody had dashes and items were different.. Now she got her Mytic nerfed and that hurt her abysmal winrate even more.. Pls show some Love for Kalista!

  5. Kalista ate some pretty huge nerfs because of Top lane in the past. But now, the meta has changed drastically! Everyone has a way to catch up to her so giving her some more scaling would be nice and much appreciated! Learning such a high-skillcap champion should be rewarded but she feels super underwhelming to play, even from ahead because of the huge bounty system that basically propels everyone into the lategame, leaving her in the dirt..

  6. Dont rly see Orianna beeing weak at all, she may be more difficult to play, but with the new items Crown and shadowflame she is nowhere near the "weak" list.
    Not seeing Zed beeing weak aswell, he may be not as strong anymore(he was like top 3 assasins with 52-53% winrate) but he is still good to pick up and can easily carry games.
    But maybe thats just me a diamond 4 scrub euw talking, what do I know about

  7. QOTD: I would like to play a game which has 3 stages like in the old seasons. It is more fun if you have to concsder wether you pick an early-, mid-, or late-game champ…. It is more tactical and way cooler to play

  8. They should make kalista E better. Like how cho gath and pyke have indicator to when to ult. Cuz you need to have a lot of hours to be accurate with her E. Btw i am low elo and i dominate with kalista cuz they don’t know how to counter her.

  9. I'm so happy people are bringing light to vex being a terrible support, I keep seeing her as supp in my games and they always do atrociously and end up being more annoying than anything else. I just want her to stop being played as supp asap

  10. I will continue to play aphelios, garbage tier or not — he's just too cool. The fact that they spent such a long time designing that champ who is easily one of the most rewarding to play only to nerf it into the ground and forget about it breaks my heart. What a waste of talent from the riot team. Aphelios deserves to be in the meta!

  11. Bring back the s3-s4 games. Really fucking tired of games ending before you get a third item. And there is no reason to play adc any more, everything takes towers way to easily(the main purpose of the adc was to take towers and provide constant dps) ,but now towers die to everything, don't do enough damage to reallly be feared after lvl5 and onward, and as an old adc main. I actually hate playing adc now. Just the whole state of league as a game is nothing like when I first started playing (end of s2) and after coming back to league after a 6 year break…. Well…. I might just move on to a better more polished game. The state that leage is in right now is pathetic….. It's like the balance team has forgotten about thier game. Like no one who works on the game actually plays and has to suffer from the mess they made.

  12. You forgot to say champions who can't build blade of the ruined king at top lane you should avoid.
    Irelia will be must pick or ban past diamond 4 so yea, just either learn irelia and or perma ban her then pick jax or range top laner

  13. 1)I like how you use clips from bronze and iron games .2)I main both Pyke and Pantheon , they have the same exact concept;Early:monsters that kills you for no reason ,Late:can penta while going full tank(I've done it before)


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