100T DROPS VIDEO EVIDENCE but Riot Games Wants FULL Video

The back and forth between @100 Thieves and @Riot Games continued after a @VALORANT ruling put 100T Coach FrosT on probation and gave the Org a $5,000 fine citing the coach threatened to leverage player social medias against Riot Games, 100T fired back with a video, but Riot wants the full thing.

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42 thoughts on “100T DROPS VIDEO EVIDENCE but Riot Games Wants FULL Video”

  1. Stop letting this bum make videos, he is by far the worst creator that you have, he takes whatever story he hears and runs with it before he hears the other side of that same story this guy is a freaking joke EA sports you need to fire this horrible commentator

  2. Nah man..your taking the side of a massive company on a simple statement without proof..same as 100thieves..its a he said she said situation and based off of evidence given, you have to side with 100t..simply.because that's the only clips we've seen. It's to be expected in esports, the ping issue, but taking a large company who they themselves have no recording…Why would they not be recording? An org as large and ever growing as them aren't recording talks with coaches and staff Yeah ok

  3. if i was a coach id fight for my players , im not letting them play on 60+ ping against ppl with 8ping in an fps.

    Riot delusional x2.
    100T Good intentions but poorly handled the situation.
    Immortals coach more delusional than Riot.

    Also IMMORTALS Coach joining and saying shut up?! WTF ?! Its not banther or something , and its not like two coaches arguing if that was a faul or no, he shouldn't be there in first place , then joins and says "shut up" as if he runs this b… who the hell he thinks he is?!
    Riot should have also handled this situation better ofc.

  4. Anyone can claim that someone else said something and say they admitted to saying it. Unless there is video proof this doesn't hold for me. Riot claims to have 3 witnesses, but unless they are named this can't be taken seriously. Lastly 100T lookin hella sus for not providing full video, but for all we know this could just be retaliation for "false" claims. All in all, I can't take either side rn.

  5. Nothing wrong with using Social Media to leverage against Riot, when Riot are in the wrong.

    Discount Amazon servers and unfair competitive advantage for certain teams need to be called out on social media if Riot refuse to do anything about it. They haven't done shit about it in pubs, they haven't done shit for peekers advantage to the point where ranked is useless for a lot of us that play on 40-50 ping vs 10 ping in Europe, they won't do shit about it for competitive play too it seems.

  6. Frost admitted to making the statement regarding it will be a shitstorm, not about leveraging social media. The thing is, Riot Game is making the assumption that this statement is regarding their social media even though that was not directly stated. So to them, thats what the statement implies…even though that is not what is said. So when Frost admits to saying "…if you DC us it will be a shitstorm.." Riot Games is trying to use that as Frost admitting to saying he will leverage social media.

    That is absolutely false because that actual statement was not said, nor was it implied given that Frost clearly said they will just not play. Riot Games is trying to say that what they implied Frost's statement was about is what he actually said and admitted to….which is false. Simple.

  7. Riot still has less evidence than 100T… just because they say “we have proof” still 100T provides more evidence than riot even after the update. Your telling me a huge company like that doesn’t have this stuff recorded?

  8. The three witnesses and admission means nothing unless it's true. And why the fight happened and if it was fair or right in the first place DOES MATTER.
    Jake… asking us to not consider the context is a grimy move.

  9. This is so stupid. When you have leverage your job is to use it to maintain integrity. Riot knows that leverage can hurt them and they do not like it. If the coach said it good for him.

  10. Riot would clip the video in a manor to make the coach look bad. The fact is a social media threat is always there even if unsaid and riot knows it. They just hate the fact their social media cant fight back and it scares them as it should.

  11. Riot made 100T look like the complete bad guys and you think 100t aren’t going to do the same? Of course they’re going to pick the parts that make them look better just like riot would’ve if they had the video and not 100t.

  12. Bruh it’s obviously riots fault of course they are not going to play 50 ping against 10 ping in the biggest tournament in the games history especially when there’s a way to make it fair. it’s just dumb I don’t care if 100 thieves said mean words lol grow up I don’t need to hear the whole conversation. The ping difference is extremely unfair nothing else matters. Why do you care about the dumb video lol

  13. As an org, why would I release a video that may condemn my players just to save a small fine. In these situations and in the “safe space” of the team room, things might’ve been said by the players that if made public or twisted could hurt their career or the org as a whole. Plus, FrosT “agreed to the statement” .. what statement are they referencing, cause he could have been agreeing that he said Riot would have been worse off.. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  14. Wtf.. Who the fuck is in charge of the TO. Cs:go solved this shit a long time ago, 1st match where 1 team has favorable ping server 2nd map where the other team has favorable ping server, then coin flip the 3rd for which server.
    I'd be really pissed off if I had been waiting an hour for this match to start.

  15. Just to add to this, JC Stani said on stream that 100T actually suggested the best server for both teams. But in the end somehow both teams have to play another server and that was not a good server


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