11 BIGGEST BUFFS And NERFS For Season 11 – League of Legends

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0:00 Intro
0:20 Most Buffed
0:23 Viktor
1:23 QOTD
1:41 Hecarim
2:40 Ivern
4:06 Pantheon
5:21 Gragas
5:56 Anivia
7:08 Most Nerfed
7:12 Zed
8:01 Soraka
9:21 Fiora
10:02 Vladimir
10:58 Senna
11:44 Conclusion
12:03 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 10.25, Best support 10.25 best mid laners 10.25, best junglers 10.25, best top laners 10.25 patch 10.25 rundown, 10.25 lol, 10.25 changes, preseason 11, preseason 11 items, mythic items lol, legendary items lol, Sunfire Aegis nerf 10.25, Frostfire Gauntlet nerf 10.25, Turbo chemtank nerf 10.25, Seekers armguard nerf 10.25, THe collector nerf 10.25, Lethality nerf 10.25, Muramana nerf 10.25, Immortal shieldbow buff 10.25, Galefore buff 10.25, Kraken Slayer buff 10.25, Rapidfire cannon buff 10.25 Infinity edge buff 10.25, bandleglass mirror buff 10.25, imperial mandate buff 10.25, moonstone renewer buff 10.25, Shuelia’s Battlesone buff 10.25, Locket of the iron solari buff 10.25, Zeke’s Convergence buff 10.25, Luden’s tempest buff 10.25, Everfrost buff 10.25, Kayle nerf 10.25, Kayn nerf 10.25, Fizz nerfs 10.25, morgana nerfs 10.25, Annie nerfs 10.25, Galio nerfs 10.25, SAmira nerfs 10.25, Jhin nerfs 10.25 Anivia buffs 10.25, pantheon buffs 10.25, Talon buffs 10.25, Warwick buffs 10.25, Wukong buffs 10.25, rengar buffs 10.25, lulu buffs 10.25, taliyah buffs 10.25, Twitch buffs 10.25 Mordekaiser buffs 10.25, Qiyana buffs 10.25, Karthus buffs 10.25, Nidalee buffs 10.25, Lee sin buffs 10.25, Gragas buffs 10.25, Ivern buffs 10.25, Nasus buffs 10.25, Seraphine buffs 10.25, yasuo buffs 10.25, yone buffs 10.25,

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41 thoughts on “11 BIGGEST BUFFS And NERFS For Season 11 – League of Legends”

  1. Crit Damage needs to be hella reverted, this season's games are going to be like 20 minutes long max, and lowering not only crit chance, but crit damage, make's crit champs absolutely useless unless their kit is completely overtuned, but oeverall this whole season needs to be reverted XD

    Also Gut Pantheon Jesus Kraft that champ got overtuned to all living hell

  2. I feel like tank items need a cost nerf, sure, the stats are busted but if you increase the cost then it will take longer for tanks to reach the no counter play I run at you till you die power spike.

  3. Adc actualy feel weaker in damage wise i mean most adc early still weak and now only get power spike after 4 items when last season they needed only 3 so i think they need fix crit ir buff items to give damage because until you get your power spike every thing one shots ir The game already ended

  4. Playing Senna in the preseason, I have found a way to make her work by rushing Navori. The CD it provides senna on her passive makes her playable and allows her to go Divine Sunderer as her mythic due to how low it makes her cooldowns. I build Senna ADC with a Core of Navori Quickblades -> ManaMune -> Divine Sunderer and she does as well as she did last season imo. (Still would love a buff for her because having a 3 item Core is still pretty harsh.)

  5. Nerf greiv wounds…? Lol healing is so broken in the game with every other item giving healing now. They need to buff the crap out of greiv. I buy it and feels like i dont have it half the time. Especially against champs like Aatrox, WW, basically anyone with goredrinker, yuumi, soraka, sona etc.

  6. any champ that buys Sheen is pretty much buffed now that it's no longer builds from Sapphire Crystal and is cheaper, allowing them to reach early game powerspike before ten minutes.

    Champs like Jax, Camille, Wukong, Hecarim and maybe Shen benefitted well from either Triforce or Divine Sunderer.


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