15 BEST ONE TRICKS To Carry With in League of Legends – Season 11

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0:00 Intro
0:26 Ornn
1:05 Riven
1:36 Shen
2:31 Lee Sin
3:00 Nunu
3:30 Kindred
4:04 QotD
4:25 Orianna
4:55 Yone
5:26 Ahri
5:49 Caitlyn
6:26 Vayne
6:56 Ezreal
7:55 Thresh
8:33 Rell
9:10 Lulu
9:45 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.13, Best support 11.13, best mid laners 11.13, best junglers 11.13, best top laners 11.13, patch 11.13 rundown, 11.13 lol, 11.13 changes, item buffs 11.13, mobility nerfs 11.13, divine sunderer nerfs 11.13, anathema’s chains 11.13, hullbreaker 11.13, shurelya’s battlesong nerfs 11.13, cosmic drive nerfs 11.13, nimbus cloak nerfs 11.13, galeforce nerfs 11.13, prowler’s claw nerfs 11.13, stridebreaker changes 11.13, rumble nerfs 11.13, lee sin nerfs 11.13, riven nerfs 11.13, dr. mundo buffs 11.13, xayah buffs 11.13, aphelios buffs 11.13, olaf buffs 11.13, luden’s tempest buffs 11.13, liandry’s anguish buffs 11.13, everfrost buffs 11.13, moonstone renewer buffs 11.13, ghost poro buffs 11.13, trinity force changes 11.13, lich bane changes 11.13, black cleaver changes 11.13, dead man’s plate changes 11.13, death’s dance changes 11.13,

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42 thoughts on “15 BEST ONE TRICKS To Carry With in League of Legends – Season 11”

  1. It’s funny; Kindred and Nunu are both champions that I sigh when I’ve seen a teammate has locked them in. More often than not, they’re quite useless in my experience. Especially Kindred.

  2. QOTD: I’m a Mid/Support player and play around the mid silver elo. I’d recommend Kata and Brand. Both have insane carry potential if your opponent doesn’t respect you.

  3. QOTD: Fiddlesticks. You want healthy quick clears and a game changing ult? That’s your demon. With his own trinket providing vision control it does force the enemy team to put more focus on you instead of your team. Or they get hit by a 5 man fear and lose the fight before it’s even began

  4. So has Proguides gone broke? They seem to only have Kangas and Nathan as casters at the moment. I remember when they had like 4 to 5. Wheres Zirene, Dan, and the chick?

  5. I’m a Cho’Gath main. The worst matchups for Cho top are Darius and Fiora. I always ban one of those and usually never see the other. You can get pretty chunky while still being able to buy armor and mr. Your kit does respectable damage too, though mostly for shorter trades in my experience.

  6. Overall a really good list, however having Riven on the list is a bad idea. She is good until someone figures out how to play against her, then she is basically worthless. There are so many top laners that can completely dumpster her if the players are of equal skill.

    As for ADCs, you can literally one trick any of them and climb high. Most overpowered class in the game by miles.

    For supports, Thresh and Lulu are in a tier all their own. All of their abilities can be used offensively or defensively. There is no real way to counter someone who is great with either of them. Bard would be my number 3 pick, he is another support that can do so much for his team.

  7. QofD : Akali , do I need to explain? Great mobility , self peel , massive damage for assassinations in the backline and /or frontlines ( depending on build) , great outplay potential , great engage and disengage , not many counters , high skill ceiling ( so u can always improve 😉 ).
    Cons: banned or picked a lot.

  8. QotD: Volibear Jng, great early game, no one can beat you 1v1 in the scutle fight, great ganks and duel potecial, great engage and TF with his R, quick clear with good sustain, fun to play, lots of different builds and play styles AP,Tank,Bruiser. I recomend Volibear full tank with FrostFire Gauntlet and titanic Hydra. Also its realy fun nashor tooth with voli, but you lose tankines

  9. QOTD: Hands down Zac jungle. He might have an early that is comparatively weak to the other junglers mentioned, but as soon as you get level 4 and start ganking you're a CC powerhouse. You can easily play him for engage, but his entire kit works perfectly for peeling as well. If you're against a squishy team, then Sunfire Aegis is a no brainer, but there is plenty of scenarios where going Frostfire Gauntlet for the extra health and CC is a big help.

    To top it off, his passive is incredibly useful (having the chance of a second life is never bad) and the fact you can TP to a blob, means if you got a decently coordinated team, you can easily bait people into a trap.

  10. Even do I dont recomend one trick pony swaim i highly recomend you play it. It has a really good match up against any enchanter or damaging support and if you use electrocute and not miss your e you can get feed in the early game preaty easily besides if your adc is really bad you can just take the kills and carry the game with good macro and using your w to check if they are doing objectives. If thats not enough you have high damage output and you are super tanky even if you go AP witch is the way to go

  11. QOTD: Volibear, he can be played however you want, ap with nashor's tooth and riftmaker do destroy turrets and everyone in 1v1, bruiser with either trinity or divine senderer to destroy tanks and be tanky and full tank if you dont have a tank in your team or if you are losing your lane or jng because you can play the champ on the forgotten lane or in the autofill role that jungle is.

  12. QOTD: This one might sound weird but zoe. Her need for good target selection and positioning encourage the player to learn core mechanics of the game. If built right she does ridiculous amounts of damage and hitting that q after a sleep is just so satisfying.

  13. these are far from the best champs to one trick, the creator of this video just wants top jungle mid to gank bot lane, dont listen to this stupid video for one tricking, but if u in a team then u can learn these champs, so dissapointed in this channel lately, so many videos just dont match whats actually happening in the rift currently. its so sad


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