15 CRUCIAL Abilities Almost EVERYONE Uses Wrong – League of Legends

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We talk about 15 abilities that almost everyone uses wrong.

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Concepts: Best ADC 10.20, Best support 10.20 best mid laners 10.20, best junglers 10.20, best top laners 10.20 patch 10.20 rundown, 10.20 lol, 10.20 changes, Karthus nerfs 10.20, Maokai nerfs 10.20, Kled nerfs 10.20, Nunu nerfs 10.20, Kassadin nerfs 10.20, Katarina nerfs 10.20, Lulu nerfs 10.20, Aatrox buffs 10.20, Illaoi buffs 10.20, Sion buffs 10.20, Urgot buffs 10.20, Ryze buffs 10.20, Varus buffs 10.20 Braum buffs 10.20,

0:00 Intro
0:34 QOTD
1:08 Camille
1:46 Samira
2:14 Galio
2:56 Yone
3:30 Zyra
4:07 Thresh and Blitz
4:49 Nautilus
5:34 Lulu
6:19 Twisted Fate
6:48 Kai’sa
7:42 Swain
8:12 Ezreal
8:51 Jhin
9:31 Morgana
9:59 Neeko
10:50 Conclusion
11:14 Outro

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42 thoughts on “15 CRUCIAL Abilities Almost EVERYONE Uses Wrong – League of Legends”

  1. QOTD: Qiyana's Q and W. I've seen so many Qiyana players using their W on walls when they're getting focused, or they're trying to escape. Like, if they just W a bush, then they're fine, but I guess not.

  2. QOTD: not an ability but when clearing with a champion that gives you percent health regen like Olaf or Zac, dont pop ur potion right after the first buff because you'll save up more health if you hold it before you engage or at low health

  3. I think vayne Q is the most miss-used ability. Plebs always roll forward and spam roll nonstop. And during ult they will instantly autoattack, canceling the invis.
    The real way to use it is to keep it either to: burst (in lane) or in teamfights, wait out cc and dodge it with Q… so no rolling forward. Additionally, in a teamfight, sometimes it's beneficial to not attack anything while stealth, so you can run away easier.

  4. Yuumi with 500 AP, Ardent Censor, and Mikael's Crucible (good luck getting enough gold for that many items unless your ADC is hardcore smurfing) heals for 533 per E. It's not even close to a full heal. Soraka's turbo healing is really the closest thing to healing someone to full. No other healer can come close, though 3 Bard shrines and a Bard heal all at once can top off a nearly dead champion.

  5. Leblanc Q and W in lane. People use it to deal dmg. Yes it deals shit ton, but a good laner will never go into range, and even if they do, they will abuse that long ass CD. Use Q to proc taste of blood and cpot instead, and use W to hit chain, especially when your jungler ganks. Waiting for the enemy to into range for QW is waiting for nothing.

  6. QOTD: nasus E – I see a lot of people using it (exclusively) for poke and waveclear, which is fine by itself, however especially earlygame it costs a lot of mana that you could be spending on getting Q stacks (only an issue if you dont plan on backing – if you do, go ahead and use it for waveclear), plus it really doesnt do that much damage, but the biggest issue by far is this: it reduces the targets armor and MR by a lot, so those players tend not to have it up for all-ins, where it'd be the most useful

  7. QOTD: Brand Q I see ppl throw W and instantly press q to follow up and end up missing and wasting tons of mana if they hold on to that q the success rate of hitting it will go up and the usefulness of the stun as well the burn effect last longer then most expect u can even e to keep it going if needed


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