15 MOST BROKEN Champions in Patch 11.24b – League of Legends Predictions

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0:00 Intro
0:39 Jhin
1:48 Akshan
2:18 Shen
3:00 Corki
3:37 Qiyana
4:12 Soraka
4:46 Viego
5:22 Jinx
5:52 Yasuo
6:35 Nunu
7:22 QotD
7:37 Garen
8:03 Maokai
8:33 Lux
9:02 Viktor
9:27 Vi
10:10 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.24 Best support 11.24, best mid laners 11.24, best junglers 11.24, best top laners 11.24, patch 11.24 rundown, 11.24 lol, 11.24 changes, item buffs 11.24, preseason 11.24, chemtech drake 11.24, hextech drake 11.24, gwen buffs 11.24b, olaf buffs 11.24b, kai’sa buffs 11.24b, varus buffs 11.24b, pyke buffs 11.24b, glacial augment buffs 11.24b, first strike nerfs 11.24b, dr. mundo nerfs 11.24b, kassadin nerfs 11.24b, lux nerfs 11.24b, vayne nerfs 11.24b, talon nerfs 11.24b,

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41 thoughts on “15 MOST BROKEN Champions in Patch 11.24b – League of Legends Predictions”

  1. Lol, Garen broken champ, ok what else ? Bruiser with no mobility , not even 1 cc ( the silence is too short for doing something good with it) , the ulti is countered by so many kit in this day, if you're against a tank with mass armor like Shen – Tahm Kench – Mundo you're not doing any damage

  2. Looks like Maokai might be hit with a Ryze rework. As long as Maokai E relies on bushes to be useful he will never be a good laner and some jungle monsters don't even have bushes he can use so that limits him to support with his massive amount of CC and tankiness. Riot needs to just take the L and rework him or just accept him as a support.

  3. As Midbeast said:
    "I'm receiving a lot of thank-you messages for popularizing Qiyana from people that versed Qiyanas on opposite team and climbed thanks to them, cause Qiyana players had no idea what they were doing/straight up feeding"

    any time you repeat the "Qiyana broken " bit, another 1st-timing inter in ranked rises :O

  4. yasuo is a really bad adc, anyone who gets zones off cs by yuumi should not be played as ADC, the reason yasuo adc works is because other ADCs are too dumb to punish him because they rather play pve until he hits 6 instead of having 5 kills by that point

  5. Dude when will riot do something about the bruisers top lane is trash you have to play with few champs that are broken or else its gg on top of that your bot lane.and jg will decide if you are gonna win the game or not league of legends has no competitor thats why they dont give a f about most of the things i swear when there will be a good alternative game like league and players will switch to that and then riot will do everything to get them them

  6. QoTD: I've been a kat one trick for a while. She's my absolute favorite champion to play, and I own almost all of her skins. But she is absolutely not the champion to play in order to climb in lower ELO. I have switched to play exclusively anivia and it's much easier to climb with her even though I can't play her to anywhere near the level I can play Katarina. The simple fact is that the behaviors in gold and below of each team is not conducive to Katarina climbing. You could get fed in lane and be absolutely unstoppable but unless you are 30 kills and zero deaths and can one shot every single person on their team, you're not going to be able to carry that game. Caterina is a team fighting champion and if your team isn't grouped and if their team isnt grouped then you can't just kill all the enemies like you would like. Anivia can save people, anivia does an absolute ton of damage and scales, and anivia doesn't have to put herself in extreme danger to deal damage, such as in the middle of the enemy team.

  7. QotD: I really like Jungle Volibear. Very simple to utilize, extremely safe jungle thanks to W and E, R enables you to compound an already winning lane with an easy tower dive, and I don't think he's subject to any upcoming nerfs or buffs. Really solid jungler who helped me climb from gold to plat and taught me the fundamentals of the role. I would recommend anyone to pocket him for the role for autofills.

  8. I love how many people pay for free coaching. Kinda sad how desperate people are to get better when you quite literally just have to apply yourself instead of wanting someone else to do it for you.

  9. QOTD: Recently discovered Divine Sunderer Ornn and am now on a winning streak. A quick q-w-aa combo deals 45% in percent health damage. I thoroughly enjoyed destroying Sett in one of my matchups 😁

  10. QOTD: I must say I find myself ranking up quite easy thanks to Corki mid/Kayle top. Very strong picks late-game. And while their early isn't as strong, if you can farm properly you've pretty much won the game


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