15 MOST BROKEN CHAMPIONS of the NEW 11.22 PATCH – BEST MAINS Tier List – LoL Guide

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0:00 – Intro
0:28 – #15
1:44 – #14
2:40 – #13
3:20 – #12
4:23 – #11
5:40 – #10
6:32 – #9
7:37 – #8
8:35 – #7
9:26 – #6
10:43 – #5
11:17 – #4
12:37 – #3
13:27 – #2
14:12 – #1

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27 thoughts on “15 MOST BROKEN CHAMPIONS of the NEW 11.22 PATCH – BEST MAINS Tier List – LoL Guide”

  1. I actually agree with alot of this list, which is weird cause I know how you guys operate and cycle new champs in that havnt been mentioned for a while in your videos

    Katarina is def in one of her worst spots in the season. 100%

    She shouldnt even be on the list never mind #2

    shes still good, but only that. just good.

  2. As a main ADC, i'm very pissed with this changes. They don't care at all with them. Assassins destroy you, now mages will too (not vex 'cuz she already do). From 15 good picks, just 1 was ADC. It should be the best lane for damage at late game, however they look like a minion. You can't make a single mistake while your enemy jumps at your face with no mechanic at all. Dude, make some items for survivability, i mean, something like a zhonyas or lulu polymorph (but with less duration). Even an active item to get invisibility. But for me playing adc is just a dream below diamond

  3. Yesterday I had games back to back with 23 5 and penta in a second game as Jhin. Started playing him with fleet since it got buffed, it's waaaay way better and u can also start with boots and play as a lane bully that way. Really strong. Other adc's besides Jinx and MF are not really worth even a honorable mention.


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