15 MOST BROKEN Champions to PLAY – League of Legends Patch 11.23 Predictions

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0:00 Intro
0:56 Maokai
2:03 Lux
2:26 Camille
2:49 Graves
3:17 Leblanc
3:56 Kog’maw
4:26 Yasuo
4:46 Rek’sai
5:05 Xerath
5:31 Jhin
5:58 Leona
6:34 Vladimir
7:09 Tryndamere
8:16 QotD
8:24 Kayle
9:11 Nunu
9:45 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.23 Best support 11.23, best mid laners 11.23, best junglers 11.23, best top laners 11.23, patch 11.23 rundown, 11.23 lol, 11.23 changes, item buffs 11.23, preseason 11.23, chemtech drake 11.23, hextech drake 11.23, fimbulwinter 11.23, mythic items 11.23, rift scuttle changes 11.23,

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27 thoughts on “15 MOST BROKEN Champions to PLAY – League of Legends Patch 11.23 Predictions”

  1. QOTD: As a Shen main, Mordekaiser. I may kill him early but he just outscales me so badly since usually he's the only AP on a team and I have to build mostly ad defenses for the rest and therefore I eventually can't out tank him

  2. how is kogmaw op? he had like ultra long range before, range was never a problem for him,the reason he used lethal tempo was cap it breaking AS cap allowing him to use all of his one hit without the 2.5 AS cap.

  3. hey man thank you for all the tips on league but maybe if you havent slept for so long you should take a little break for a while enjoy life for a bit go out an eat something watch the stars with loved ones idk

  4. QOTD : From far Cho'gath, I am speaking with my 0 experience bronze 4 player but every time I play against him he wreck me or wreck my allies and it just impossible to take him down

  5. The only champ that is broken and will never ever EVER be balance or thinking of balancing him is lee sin…once you know the few combos You are literally unstopable…dude has heal, cc, life percentage damage, movement, disengage, engage…..what else?

  6. QOTD: Kass, doesnt matter how hard you win lane, if you dont finish the game fast enough he auto wins. Even in lane once he gets 6, you can never fight him since he'll just ult away.


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