15 MOST OP Champions on Patch 12.8 – League of Legends Predictions

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0:00 Intro
0:39 Vladimir
1:50 Tristana
2:28 Sejuani
2:59 Poppy
3:29 Jhin
3:48 Mordekaiser
4:09 Twitch
4:27 Sylas
4:50 Riven
5:20 QotD
5:39 Diana
6:06 Rengar
6:22 Veigar
6:41 Senna
7:06 Ahri
7:51 Renata
8:18 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 12.8 Best support 12.8, best mid laners 12.8, best junglers 12.8, best top laners 12.8, patch 12.8 rundown, 12.8 lol, 12.8 changes, item buffs 12.8, preseason 12.8, chemtech drake 12.8, hextech drake 12.8, Mordekaiser 12.8 buffs, Aatrox 12.8 buffs, Vladimir 12.8 buffs, Poppy 12.8 buffs, Sejuani 12.8 buffs, Fiddlesticks 12.8 buffs, Zoe 12.8 buffs, Kassadin 12.8 buffs, Vel’koz 12.8 buffs, Xerath 12.8 buffs, Sylas 12.8 buffs, Ezreal 12.8 buffs, Tristana 12.8 buffs, Jhin 12.8 buffs, Bard 12.8 buffs, Seraphine 12.8 buffs, Pyke 12.8 nerfs, Soraka 12.8 nerfs, Jinx 12.8 nerfs, Xayah 12.8 nerfs, Kaisa adjustments, Swain rework

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37 thoughts on “15 MOST OP Champions on Patch 12.8 – League of Legends Predictions”

  1. 50% winrate vlad globally. at most 51.7% in certain elos and u call him broken next patch bc 4 armor buff… thats a big jump guys. really a big one. sure 4 armor is a lot but u probably still get oneshot by every ad assasin except maybe talon. but yeah…OP

  2. QotD : i think that its necessary to nerf a champion that can be a beast in strong hands cause even if only a few people can play him like a god, its not fair that a god on this champ can destroy game 1v9

  3. QoTD: No. If Riot is seen repeatedly nerfing champs just because they are good in the right hands, then the incentive to actually build up experience and learn is no longer there. It's like saying champions with skill shots should be nerfed because they have more range than point-and-click skills.

  4. QOTD: The harder to play a champion is the more rewarding that champ should be. This is basic game design rules. If mechanicacly hard champs would be not rewarding there would be no fun playing them, bcoz it would be extremly toxic if u need to put in 3 times more work than others and u are allowed to only get worse results than those who simply dont need to do that.

  5. QotD : No. people have to invest much more time into learning these champs so give them the reward. If a Garen was as strong as a Riven why would you even pickup Riven, when you pick Garen you can completly focus on Macro which is a highly underrated benefit of low skill champs.

  6. QOTD: Rengar his kit is seemingly super deceptive making you think its straight forward…. yea no goodluck with that, you need a fast mind to keep up with what to do with his skills when in a battle because making the wrong decision in what empowered ability to use will mean ur death his win rate is spiking up due to sudden increase in popularity however just be sure to at least learn his mechanics if you are playing him seen to many wanna be rengar main snowball early then throw just because of stupid decision in fights always going for an empowered Q instead of actually learning to read the situation

  7. People don't play popular champs because they're popular and gravitate towards them, they play them because they're broken, easy to play, and will likely never receive heavy nerfs even when they're more than justified.

  8. fking nerf riven i dont care if it is a hard champ or not she should be nerfed like wtf 53 to 52 winrate . they nerfed irelia even when she was just 49-50winrate . nefed her q healing w damge and sheild . nerfed are two items mind . irelia has a stupid champ design in game where if you dont build bork in a game you are basically a support you do zero damage like how and why . the old irelia didnt need one item to do damage . i tried it out one game to see irelia without bork and i did not do damage i was like wtf , and i was kind of fed with two items my teamates even said irelia without bork = no damage . she is a support champion. while riven is out there getting no nerfs with fiora too with her insane healing and 2 sec cooldown q. like this champs heal too much why have they not gotten nerfed . and why did they buff wukong this patch . well i guess to save my mentality am just not going to play this game for patch 12.8. until riven and fiora gets the nerf thye deserve . plus no reason to even buff sej . my god

  9. QOTD: I don't think so. Pick/ban rate is a revealing statistic. If a small percentage of players invest a large amount of time into learning a champ, I think it's fair that they get a return on that investment. If one of those champs is perceived as too strong, more people will start learning them. Eventually their pick rate AND win rate will be high. This should be the signal for a nerf. Otherwise these champions get nerfed unnecessarily and the one tricks suffer while the champ remains unusable for the general public.

  10. I already reached my master thanks for being a hindrance to me sicko. the only thing I do is unsubscribe to this channel and I assure you're gonna climb further. based on my experience only. btw league is already dead.

  11. QotD: no Champ in the Game is Hard to play. Especially Champions like Riven Are just so ludicrously easy to play that they should definitely not be that strong.
    Also no, champions should not be super broken even if only good players can abuse them. Pretty much every competent diamond player gets insane unfair advantages from those elo inflating champs like Yone, Riven, Zed

  12. Ahri is strong but her having 0 counters is just wrong. She struggles against high range or sth like yasuo, irelia, veigar or Annie.

    Problem is that shes a bit too consistant and still usefull when behind. There are many champs that snowball harder but this champs are mostly useless when behind. So is not that ahri has an op powerlvl. Its just that when shes behind shes still usefull. Thats why her wr is that consistant in plat+.


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