2 TIPS FOR EVERY WEAPON IN APEX LEGENDS! (Apex Legends Tips for Every Gun, Recoil, and Aim)

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0:00 โ€“ Intro
0:30 โ€“ R301 Carbine
1:08 โ€“ R99 + CAR SMG
1:45 โ€“ Prowler
2:33 โ€“ Flatline & Rampage
4:04 โ€“ L-Star & Volt
4:55 โ€“ Triple Take
5:38 โ€“ 30-30 Repeater & Hemlock
6:45 โ€“ Bocek
7:27 โ€“ Charge Rifle, Longbow, Sentinel
8:57 โ€“ Wingman
9:53 โ€“ Eva 8 & Mastiff
10:41 โ€“ Peacekeeper & Mozambique
11:35 โ€“ Havoc Rifle & Devotion
12:24 โ€“ RE-45 & P2020
12:52 โ€“ Care Package Weapons
13:37 โ€“ QOTD

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30 thoughts on “2 TIPS FOR EVERY WEAPON IN APEX LEGENDS! (Apex Legends Tips for Every Gun, Recoil, and Aim)”

  1. My fav is Wingman as it can be used in Long and Short distance fights. The only problem is the flicking of the long range as in close you can easily control it. It's very good gun and i really love when i pick it up even, if i miss some shots. I think you can beat everybody at early to mid game with wing even thou i am using it at late as well.

  2. Mine is the spitfire because its damage count is at least double the flatlines and it's mag is so huge
    My second and third loadout whould have to be bettween the r301 and devoltion or the r301 and prowler because ive won countlees game beaming with these loudouts give them a try

  3. Wow super….no help or tips for any of these guns just descriptions of what they do….no help with how to handle recoil or anything just which scopes to use? Conserve care package weapon ammo? For real?

  4. โ€œIโ€™m gonna talk about the Kraber with the rest of the care package weapons later in the videoโ€

    Later: Forgets to mention Kraber and Alternator lol

    Great video, just thought that was funny!

  5. I haven't played for some time, was wondering why i hadn't seen the Scout, 1 of my favs. Also, play with low DPI settings on your mouse, you can still flick quickly, also set my in game sensitivity down to 2

  6. How anyone controls the initial recoil for the devotion is beyond me, it seems to go from crazy recoil to absolutely none at all, makes it pretty difficult to shoot anything at medium range.

  7. Wtf are these tips. Get a better mag, train your recoil control, hit your shots? These are common habits with every gun, not niche specific tips that apply to one gun only. This whole video is just a waste of time and an ad sponge

  8. Say goodbye to flatline because respawn gonna remove it from the ground.. i have a lot of good time with flatline ๐Ÿ˜ญ *will visit replicator as often as possible this season 12* ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


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