2000+ Players Banned For Using BROKEN EXPLOIT ! (Apex Legends)

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I upload Apex Legends News Content, mainly the Esports side of Apex Legends

This beat is produced by Kyu Tracks .


24 thoughts on “2000+ Players Banned For Using BROKEN EXPLOIT ! (Apex Legends)”

  1. All of the top 20 preds on Xbox use shadow lobbies to boost rp. They have a secondary account which the have join the lobby and they have a friend with them as well and then in another lobby someone does the same thing with a shadow banned account. With shadow banned accounts they don’t get put into actual lobby’s on main servers. So when they load into the game there is 6 people in the entire lobby. They kill each other get max kp and a win in about 5-10 minutes. And for some reason you actually get rp for it

  2. Cant believe streamers dont get caught for this cheating shit they be doing this every year and season lol and only 2000+ got banned garbage, its already 97% hacked the whole game is a virus itself what kind of game lets third party hacks into its systems lmfao pathetic.

  3. I know my ides of it can be insufficient but I believe that when content creators are sheding light on the game exploit, it give the devs things to think about but also players things to bypass it. I believe when a exploit is found is just give it to hideout and don't post on a platform where anyone can see and anyone can try. Some will be respectfully banned but people can learn and adapt


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