3 BEST Champions To MAIN For EVERY ROLE in Patch 10.24 – League of Legends Preseason 11

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0:00 Intro
0:21 QOTD
1:09 Top lane
1:16 Kled
2:51 Maokai
5:02 Sion
6:53 Recap Top lane
6:59 Jungle
7:06 Skarner
8:36 Udyr
10:07 Poppy
12:09 Recap Jungle
12:15 Mid-Lane
12:22 Rumble
13:51 Galio
15:27 Annie
17:08 Recap Mid-lane
17:14 Bot-Lane
17:18 Tristana
18:41 Swain
20:02 Heimerdinger
21:27 Recap Bot-Lane
21:33 Support
21:41 Lulu
23:15 Alistar
24:34 Shaco
26:15 Recap Support
26:21 Conclusion
26:41 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 10.24, Best support 10.24, best mid laners 10.24, best junglers 10.24, best top laners 10.24 patch 10.24 rundown, 10.24 lol, 10.24 changes, preseason 11, preseason 11 items, mythic items lol, legendary items lol, Ludens tempest nerf 10.24, Liandries Anguish nerf 10.24, Night Harvester nerf 10.24, Riftmaker nerf 10.24, Hextech Rocketbelt nerf 10.24, Lichbane nerf 10.24, Demonic Embrace nerf 10.24, Nashors tooth nerf 10.24, Eclipse nerf 10.24, Blade of the Ruined King nerf 10.24, Tear of the goddess buff 10.24, AP junglers buff 10.24, Kraken Slayer buff 10.24, Essence reaver buff 10.24, Phantom dancer buff 10.24, Moonstone renewer buff 10.24, prowlers claw buff 10.24, serpents fang buffs 10.24, Kayle nerf 10.24, Samira nerf 10.24, Hecarim nerf 10.24, Tryndamere buff 10.24

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41 thoughts on “3 BEST Champions To MAIN For EVERY ROLE in Patch 10.24 – League of Legends Preseason 11”

  1. Can we vote on who your voice presenters are on which videos? This guy would a great presenter or when just reviewing new things to be excited about. It's really disharmonizing when I am trying to soak up information and his voice is more distracting that helpful.

  2. As an udyr otp, i heard pro guides shit on udyr alot last season and when they recommend him they also recommend shit builds this is what you need to do:
    Tenacity/alacrity (depends on enemy cc)
    Coup de grace
    Sorcery or domination depends on play style i use
    Taste of blood
    Ravenous hunter
    Nimbus cloak
    Water walking
    This is build focuses on life steal/omni vamp with the domination tree
    Eclipse, boots, ravenous hydra, frozen heart and the rest is match up dependent
    The clear is pretty simple but very aggressive
    You try to ward the enemy buff to locate where they start, then you go the opposite side and do a 3 camp clear asap then invade their 2nd buff that they did not reach yet (keep in mind udyr has one of the fastest clears in the game)

  3. I love to play trist with Navari Quick Blade by taking boots before it. It makes your (Q) permenant and by having a lot of attack speed you synergy really well with it. It is a double winner. (It also reduce (E) cd which lead to a lot of jump) Kraken -> Boots -> Navari -> Attack Speed -> IE -> BT.

  4. As an adc main, I tried a lot of adc this season. And i'm pretty disapointed.
    Samira is pretty decent with her oppressive kit that looks more like an assassin. But she lack constiency. She needs to have an opening to maximise her output. Normally, as an adc, you dont want to take risk.
    Vayne, is hard to master and have week lane phase. She really push you a lot when she is in the game, but most of the time the game is finish by the team she gets in.
    Jhin is really strong right now with lethality build. Personnaly, I dont really like Jhin right now and I prefer going Shieldbow. But I think it is one of the last adc that can be consistent.
    Tristiana is my favorite right now. She does a lot more damage then most of other ADC and with items like Kraken Slayer and Navari Quickblade she shines.
    Caitlyn was pretty strong last season, but now she is just garbage. I did a 13/0 laning phase with her but got rek total by Orn/Amumu. I was dealing near no damage.
    Ashe is also a good pick from my perspective. You just need to be able to play with your support because of your lack of mobility.
    Kai'sa is not strong nor bad. But I feel like Jhin/Tristiana/Samaria have better tool to have a real impact on the game. Having the q upgrade and e upgrade sooner makes her a lot more viable then season 10.
    Ezreal is my next try with the change on tear. I feel that having a early manamune can change a lot.

  5. Right now, I'm looking to play Tanks bot lane. People are taking carries else where and most of the time people take an oppressive bot late like samira/pantheon. I tried Mord which work really well into samira. I also did cho gath which can be good if you are able to farm at least a bit. In teamfight, most of the time you have 1 or 2 assassin/fighter which wait for opportunities. By being the tank they need you are helping more the team then by playing a dead ADC. And because ADC does near no damage before 6 items you are able to win. Just dont get in late game. Now I'm trying others like Sett/Maokai.

  6. I’m very upset that khazix aren’t in here. That champ, have been completely Broken since the Lethality item reworks. Criminally understated too since there isn’t a lot of people that know how to play khazix properly


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