3 BEST Champions To MAIN For EVERY ROLE in Patch 11.12 – League of Legends

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0:00 Intro
0:22 Top
0:27 Jax
1:21 Nocturne
3:43 Urgot
5:15 Recap Top
5:21 Jungle
5:26 Zac
6:31 Rek’sai
7:40 Master Yi
9:13 Recap JG
9:20 Mid
9:24 Qiyana
10:47 Galio
12:26 QotD
12:39 Ahri
13:59 Recap Mid
14:04 Bot
14:10 Kog’maw
15:37 Draven
16:55 Heimerdinger
17:50 Recap Bot
17:57 Support
18:01 Janna
18:55 Sona
20:17 Rakan
21:40 Recap Supp
21:47 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.12, Best support 11.12, best mid laners 11.12, best junglers 11.12, best top laners 11.12, patch 11.12 rundown, 11.12 lol, 11.12 changes, item buffs 11.12, mobility nerfs 11.12, wukong nerfs 11.12, kaisa nerfs 11.12, varus nerfs 11.12, nasus nerfs 11.12, gnar nerfs 11.12, renekton nerfs 11.12, rammus buffs 11.12, hecarim buffs 11.12, aphelios buffs 11.12, draven buffs 11.12, illaoi buffs 11.12, malphite buffs 11.12, ziggs buffs 11.12,

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25 thoughts on “3 BEST Champions To MAIN For EVERY ROLE in Patch 11.12 – League of Legends”

  1. i dont understand why would you recommend a low elo players ad mid lainer but ok
    here is my opinion:
    best midlainers for solo q low/high elo
    ad midlainers pick only if your jg is ap and you have at least one tank, and 2 ap so for example jg and supp ap. you need to know that full cc team also wont work, pants full cc comp was lucky because no one bought qss, mercury was not enough
    anyways best midlainers to main on solo q and why
    akali: shes op, high impact, w invisible is op until someone smart will buy sweeper, she can solo carry game, start with dorans shield and go conqueror (solo q conq and shield is best)
    katarina: high aoe damage, prefer teamfighting than laning, can snowball jf not agnist akali, yasuo, fizz or galio (especially galio)
    go with conq because teamfight is more important because she can roam all time even if she lost lane then nashor tooth and rift, next go what you want i go zhonya void staff and rabadon
    qiyana, also my main
    she is ad so you need ap jungle or 2+ ap but dont get mad when enemy midlainers go armor if you and jg are ad
    she has nice laning phase
    can stack but less than akali and kat
    nice scirmishesh (2v2, 3v3 etc) but not as kat
    countered by fizz talon and diana
    go prawlers then manamune/muramana shield braker or yumu-shield breaker agnist lot of shields also better laning phase bc its cheaper by 300 gold
    yuumu gives you 40 mvmnt speed if you dont fight so its better for roams (i play kat so i prefer roaming than laning i am just too good to use easier laning phase items lol)

  2. QOTD: i dont play ranked that much , about 10-30 games every other season so am in low elo. when i play with my friends i main Galio mid or Wukong top for the team play but in solo Q i just play Talon/Yi since low elo players are just crazy and its not fun so i dont play ranked 🙂

  3. darius got 4 nerfs in a row, basically cannot beat any champs that bring ignite in lane, and useless for engaging or teamfighting
    not tanky enough and doesn't do enough damage while being immobile
    just delete the champ riot if u hate him

  4. QOTD: i trust my team mainly because I can play a champ that can carry off being practically immortal (except vs shredding comps *shudder*). Moreover with the new patch coming out said champ will be even more insufferably unkillable.

  5. QotD: I personally always enjoyed playing all roles but I tend to play more carry champs because of the lack of damage my teammates usually show and the trust I have on my positioning, map awareness and mechanics. However, enchanters and overall team dependent champs can be REALLY impactful and they need to be played more.


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