3 BEST Champions To MAIN For EVERY ROLE in Patch 11.4 – League of Legends

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0:00 Intro
0:21 Top Lane
0:26 Yorick
1:50 Kled
3:11 Singed
4:35 Recap Top
4:41 QOTD
5:03 Jungle
5:08 Nunu
6:00 Ivern
7:18 Gragas
8:23 Recap Jungle
8:43 Mid-Lane
8:48 Galio
10:06 Malzahar
11:16 Vladimir
12:37 Recap Mid
12:42 Bot-Lane
12:46 Caitlyn
14:03 Miss Fortune
15:10 Ashe
16:10 Recap Bot
16:16 Support
16:21 Bard
17:32 Nami
18:33 Janna
19:28 Recap Supp
19:34 Conclusion
19:59 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.4, Best support 11.4, best mid laners 11.4, best junglers 11.4, best top laners 11.4 patch 11.4 rundown, 11.4 lol, 11.4 changes, jungle nerfs 11.4, moonstone nerfs 11.4, everfrost buffs 11.4, cosmic drive buffs 11.4, guinsoo’s rageblade buffs 11.4, chempunk chainsword buffs 11.4, mortal reminder buffs 11.4, morellonomicon buffs 11.4, samira nerfs 11.4, kai’sa nerfs 11.4, skarner nerfs 11.4, renekton nerfs 11.4, camille nerfs 11.4, caitlyn buffs 11.4, fiora buffs 11.4, soraka buffs 11.4, varus buffs 11.4, braum buffs 11.4, jinx buffs 11.4, veigar buffs 11.4, talon buffs 11.4, lee sin buffs 11.4, tryndamere buffs 11.4, amumu buffs 11.4, katarina buffs 11.4, urgot buffs 11.4

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37 thoughts on “3 BEST Champions To MAIN For EVERY ROLE in Patch 11.4 – League of Legends”

  1. Yorick main:
    A: stop talking about Yorick unless he gets a buff/nerf.

    B: If you do pick up Yorick, always bann Irelia.

    C: Never build ti fight your opponent, but to cut down structures. You are basically Wreck it Ralph.

    D: Mute your team, cause they will hate you holding TP when your laner uses theirs.

    E: Never ever GAF about anything but impregnating the enemy Nexus. You are a SeaMan and that crystal, is Yoricks to take.

    F: I live by this, thumbs me down if you like. CSing on Yorick is EZ mode, start tear for his manna issues and play as if no one else is on the rift. I mean it!

  2. Had a matchup with a singed main and i’m playing trynd. man, early game is hard af. can’t do much at early. and also, all bot champs you picked I started maining this season. Ashe with lethal tempo is just insane. once you get immortal shieldbow, you’re gonna be hard to kill. not to brag, but almost all of my games with ashe barely hit the 2-digit deaths and my kills have never been lower by 10. but sadly, low win rates thanks to some teammates who can never be carried.


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