3 BEST Champions To MAIN For EVERY ROLE in Patch 11.8 – League of Legends

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0:00 Intro
0:29 Top
0:35 Kled
2:09 QOTD
2:41 Cho’Gath
4:09 Poppy
5:45 Recap Top
5:52 Jungle
5:57 Zac
7:27 Nunu
9:08 Fiddlesticks
10:38 Recap Jungle
11:05 Mid-lane
11:10 Vladimir
12:38 Diana
13:48 Galio
15:’3 Recap Mid
15:09 Bot-lane
15:14 Draven
16:47 Caitlyn
18:04 Swain
19:27 Recap Bot
19:34 Support
19:38 Janna
21:00 Maokai
22:21 Zyra
24:08 Recap Supp
24:14 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.8, Best support 11.8, best mid laners 11.8, best junglers 11.8, best top laners 11.8, patch 11.8 rundown, 11.8 lol, 11.8 changes, item buffs 11.8, Titanic Hydra nerfs 11.8, Ionian Boots of Lucidity nerfs 11.8, Frozen Heart buffs 11.8, Moonstone renewer buffs 11.8, staff of flowing water buffs 11.8, shuriliya’s battlesong buffs 11.8, hextech rocketbelt buffs 11.8, Thresh nerfs 11.8, annie nerfs 11.8, gnar nerfs 11.8, orianna nerfs 11.8, yorick nerfs 11.8, leblanc buffs 11.8, lee sin buffs 11.8, aphelios buffs 11.8, zac buffs 11.8, cassiopeia buffs 11.8, vladimir buffs 11.8, rammus changes 11.8, dr mundo changes 11.8, rumble changes 11.8, zed changes 11.8, darius changes 11.8, mordekaiser changes 11.8, diana changes 11.8,

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42 thoughts on “3 BEST Champions To MAIN For EVERY ROLE in Patch 11.8 – League of Legends”

  1. I'm maining aphelios and Draven as adc and I can say my win rate is really good but obviously some days I can lose like 4 x games because the match making and overall the players are really tired of this game system

  2. QOTD: Aatrox is by far my favorite and most unique champion in terms of how you play him, he is a midrange juggernaut that can both play on the aggressive and chase people down aswell as kite melee. The way you use your other abilities to manover and combine with your Q just is something so satisfying and enjoyable in my opinion.

  3. QOTD: Heimerdinger. He has a playstyle you wont fight on any other champ. He is extremely versityle. He can be a battle or attilery mage and is just completely fine in almost any matchup if played right

  4. I’m gonna be probably the only person here who’s gonna say that Yuumi is unique. The fact that she can attach to someone is cool and I personally never saw that to another champion in League, her passive which gives her a sheild if she hits other opponents is okay, but the fact that, if attached to a teammate, she gives the sheild to the teammate is great.
    Some people consider Yuumi a bad champion or inconsistent with her heals, but here it depends on the items the player chooses. I once played using one item build reccomended by a friend and I could’ve healed a teammate to almost full hp from using once her E.


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