3 BEST CHAMPIONS to SOLO CARRY for EVERY ROLE in PATCH 11.20 – League of Legends

Best Champions to Carry With in Patch 11.20!
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00:00 – Introduction
00:35 – Top Lane Champs
03:21 – Jungle Champs
05:49 – Question of the day
06:09 – Mid Lane Champs
08:58 – ADC Champs
11:16 – Support Champs
13:42 – Skill-Capped & Outro

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41 thoughts on “3 BEST CHAMPIONS to SOLO CARRY for EVERY ROLE in PATCH 11.20 – League of Legends”

  1. I’m a jungle main and a kha’zix main, the ghost blade rush is legit go ghost before goredrinker (against comps you can’t assassinate) or duskars (against people you can assassinate) (I prefer ghost blade and duskars)

  2. Agurin would disagree on the assassin kha. He builds goredrinker into offtank items with AH or assassin items (and sometimes manamune) and evolves R>W>E. For runes he takes conqueror.

    This build gives a lot of utility and isnt that much of a coin flip and is way stronger in Teamfights and it's synergy with mages is pretty good because of his AOE slow every few seconds.

    But in the end it needs a lot more skill


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