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Today we cover 3 rules for every agent role so that you can rank up fast in Valorant! If you’re looking to improve in valorant and learn how to play your agent role to its maximum potential, this agent guide will help you get a better idea of each role and their intricacies.

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0:00 Intro
0:31 Duelists
1:02 Duelists goals and playstyle
2:31 Duelists synergy
4:14 Duelists mistakes
5:07 QOTD
5:47 Initiators
6:00 Playmaker Initiators
6:21 Playmaker Initiator Synergy
6:58 Flex Initiators
7:39 Flex Initiator Synergy
8:02 Initiators Mistakes
8:30 Sentinels
9:26 Sentinels goals and playstyle
10:22 Sentinels synergies
11:13 Sentinels mistakes
11:39 Controllers
12:22 Controller goals, playstyles and synergies
13:20 Controller mistakes
14:01 Outro

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46 thoughts on “3 MUST-KNOW RULES For EVERY AGENT ROLE! – Valorant Guide”

  1. At what elo does the duelist start to make space and entry? It sure isn't in plat 70% of the time… I think I entry as viper more often than the insta-locking Reyna or Jett… They love to roam or play for K/D, but once we plant the spike they suddenly start to play super aggressive and get killed.

  2. I use kj ult to either force the opposing team to rotate, get easy kills, or force them to rush in. Her kit is really useful and it can help you get better angles

  3. on 2:00 He says " dont flame your teammates " if you do bad as a duelist….
    MY GUY you cannot flame teammates as a duelist but you CAN get incinerated and have " I will fornicate your mom " mails sent to your house
    Its just a free perk that comes with being a duelist main

  4. When i first start, i play duelist. Then i like to play sentinel, bu got abit bored and liked to play initiator. Now i play controller mostly. I almost never play duelist

  5. this is really the type of video that helps valorant players. Put on your thinking caps and start making more videos like this to gain respect more in the VAL community

  6. QOTD: I agree initiators are the most important role. Information is one of the biggest things that can make or break round, even games, in valorant. Initiators are by far the best at acquiring information

  7. I often use sentinel because sometimes i got teams that really have “idiotic strategy” where they try to guard only 1 point side and i was like

    “Must i do everything by my self!?”

    That’s why i’m maining chamber.

  8. I've turned into a Tyler 1 last night, I can't play this game anymore because of duelist it's so tilting to play smokes every sing game because from my experience no one else will, and I either top frag as omen or lose, there is no in between, and usually it's because everyone sits behind me and then I try to take space like the duelist and die, then get yelled at, fuck this game and community.

  9. Rule for every role :
    Duelist : be the first to enter.
    Controller : don't be the first to enter unless duelist isn't there.
    Sentinel : don't be the first to enter unless duelist isn't there.
    Initiator : don't be the first to enter unless duelist isn't there.

  10. Initiators and controllers def top 2 important roles. Both are good on def and attack. One controls maps (in a game about maps and positioning ffs!) and the other initiates and/or gets intel (in a game about finding and killing enemies! lol). Least important role tbh is probably dulelist cus everyone is a duelist. You wont run out of them. Shit even a sentinel thinks they are a duelist LMAO.


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