3 USEFUL TIPS & TRICKS For Top Lane in 1 Minute – League of Legends #Shorts

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24 thoughts on “3 USEFUL TIPS & TRICKS For Top Lane in 1 Minute – League of Legends #Shorts”

  1. Pro tip: Play tanks and practice csing. You'll always be relevant bc you're so tanky and have so much cc. Don't play fighters if you're new they make you more aggressive and destroy fundamentals such as cs, warding, freezing and playing patiently

  2. Tip 3: is debatable. Sometimes, I get these really bad wave managers that allow me to shove, recall and they are thinking they have a freeze after they let me crash. I end up never using TP. But yes, I do only use it for that.

  3. Third tip is not always the case, first one neither, should be in a longer vid about wave control. But the second one is most often the case of spamming "top diff" on all chat, so thanks for showing that.

  4. I disagree with the using tp at first back.
    You can make some game winning plays if u hold on to it, the enemy top would have used it so you saving it could win ur team a massive lead


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