3 WORST Champions for EVERY ROLE – People Think These Are Good And It's Sad – LoL 11.23 Guide

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0:00 – Intro
0:49 – Top Lane
2:24 – Bot Lane
3:46 – Supports
4:50 – Mid Lane
7:26 – Jungle

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38 thoughts on “3 WORST Champions for EVERY ROLE – People Think These Are Good And It's Sad – LoL 11.23 Guide”

  1. Rengar is good but, the chemtech environemt removes more bushes than infernal drake, plus since oreseason the soul will be here more often, therefore lower winrate because less bushes.

  2. Actualy I think kalista is one of the strongest adc , I spammed her this period with lethal tempo and went nuts , 20 kills+ , every game
    The only thing you need is a decent supp. No one knows how to counter play against her, or you get underrated

  3. Aphelios During Severum Q actually loses his stacks bc before realase of preseason they nerfed it only on him also the autoatack damage from Q on Infernum doesnt count aswell ( even conqueroe take it in account so its totally unconsistent, Yasuo/Yone can have stacking Lethal tempo on Q too) also the ult strike after explosion is singe autoatack damage.

  4. Pyke doesn’t need buffed. Period. People in all elo’s just know how to play against him. Get a ring around you? Run. He’s pulling his arm back and looking at you? Dodge the dagger. He’s just feast or famine. Either you know how to avoid, or you don’t. His damage is insanely high when your enemies are stupid. He still 1v9’s.

  5. Gameleap has a really bad take on Ryze, Ryze is actually in fact more viable and better in Season 12 than in Season 11 ,
    Ryze S12 >>>>> , Ryze is pretty strong rn overall and in fact More tanky than other mages and has great AOE AP Dmg , you can build Ryze very tanky and get good armor against A Zed and other assassins… plus you can kite really well with Now Extra MS with Shattered Crown, Cosmic Drive and Phase Rush… Ryze is def in Season 12 than in S11

  6. Pyke needs more nerf. Has too much agency and self sufficiency. Ppl argue that his overloaded kit is to compensate for unscalable hp, but in honesty, do other supports outside tank supports have high hp? No. Pyke is the most elo inflating support along with yuumi.

  7. I disagree on Aphelios. I think its all depends on the support match up. ban things like lux/morg/zyra. And the rest are pretty short range. Paired with a good thresh. I find rotating your guns well, tethering good, he can scale to the insane mid and late game he is known for. sigh but I am silver trash, the players I face are the same. But I've found no luck on caitlyn and jinx on this preseason, and have been finding more success with Aphelios. A Longsword triple bot start can get you to quiver quick, and full boots after that have done me well so far.

  8. I feel like with the chemtech drake removing a lot of bushes I think they should give Rengar a mini rework to balance him. Like just let him jump on people on a CD with reduced range, if he steps into a bush it refunds the CD and gets its regular range. Feels like a nice place to start, although Rengar top might get annoying with that, they could always rebalance his stats to encourage him to be more of a diver fighter rather than an assassin.


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