3600 Hour Player Spectates 0 Hour Players in Apex Legends

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We’re taking a step back and going to a fresh account with less than an HOUR of play time on Apex Legends. Just how bad is it in …


40 thoughts on “3600 Hour Player Spectates 0 Hour Players in Apex Legends”

  1. Can you make fuse video for Dev
    Tell them please re work his ultimate
    Because I love fuse but his nakl clastr is slow
    And you can’t trap 🪤 any one in his ultimate
    You can trap only nood players
    It make me sad because I love fuse

  2. Bruh these guys actually know the basics of their legends. I get teammates with 100+ levels and they don't even scan or smoke while fighting. Don't get me started on lifelines who don't know their passives 😤

  3. This needs to be a series… super entertaining and the commentary was just top level. Messing around with the pyscho name was hilarious… and just all around a fun video. Consider a part 2 and on!

  4. My Experience with Apex since Worlds Edge came back in Rotation with Stormpoint was that the SBMM basically got reversed.
    —> The better you play the easier the Lobbies get in therms of skill of your Enemies and the worse you play the more Sweats, Smurfs, Diamonds, Masters and Preds with 1000-83,000 Kills you will get in your Games.
    Atleast thats for me the Case as an Silver-like skilled Player at the Moment…

  5. they play like people who've watched others play Apex but havent played themselves, like they know they have to do certain things to be good but they don't know how to do those thing

  6. I remembered when I first played Apex,,,was tossed into Triple Preds, and Masters and lvl 300/500 players, when i was like lvl 5. Wanted to make me quit tbh, Apex match making was so bad, its still bad.
    I did remember moving so slow though, rip, gotten better on movement, despite being controller.

  7. I’m so glad I’ve been playing this game since season 0. Starting this game nowadays would be a nightmare. This is actually a gold content idea Kandy, would love another video like this lol


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