4 MORE BRUTAL Mistakes Keeping You HARDSTUCK – BEST Tips to RANK UP – Apex Legends Guide

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32 thoughts on “4 MORE BRUTAL Mistakes Keeping You HARDSTUCK – BEST Tips to RANK UP – Apex Legends Guide”

  1. Been watching daily for a while now and i gotta say you repeat alot i’ve heard every tip in different videos and yes they help but very repeated

  2. Hey Gameleap, can you guys make any guides for people who are hardstuck masters? I'm 10k RP I can gain some but I lost them pretty quickly. I've improved my gamesense to the point where I always get good positions, can read rings really easily and more but I just cant seem to get out of masters and to predator. Quick note: I only solo q, I don't have a perm trio because I can't find anyone lol. I feel like that's the reason why but I'lll never know lol.

  3. Maybe if players stop landing places to die easy I don't end up losing Rp but I forgot players do not care to Rank land worse places to die because they think ohhh i can carry everything and players are forgetting not everyone is a aggressive player in apex im a support player i dont rush places to die easy and going to fight when the f ring is farway and wasting time I do for diamond rank for the rewards i don't care apex predator Rank that for PC players

  4. Is no one gonna point out how useless and trivial these tips are? He spent 10 minutes saying the same stuff they would tell you to do to revise in school??!! 1. Dont be angry 2. Learn the game 3. Learn the game 4. Learn from your mistakes. Wake up and smell the clickbait people

  5. honestly man, I know why I am hardstuck gold, which seems impossible honestly. It's my squad and I just suck as a team and have been playing since season 3, yet we just suck as a team as a whole in ranked. Pubs it's a different story, but jesus I need a team for ranked lmao


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