4 SECRETLY BROKEN AGENTS – Underrated Picks You MUST MAIN NOW – Valorant Tier List Guide

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47 thoughts on “4 SECRETLY BROKEN AGENTS – Underrated Picks You MUST MAIN NOW – Valorant Tier List Guide”

  1. You talk so fast omg. Slow down and actually explain the concepts that you talk about. I get that you want to be an educator, but you are so hard to follow. Teaching is not a race.
    Thanks for the good advice, but take it easy.

  2. 0:01

  3. breach is over rated in soloq, I tried to main him after the buff but 90% of the time he's so useless, it wouldn't matter if the flash lasted 10 secs and the stun lasted the entire round, since you can be flashing perfectly for your teammates but they'd still rather wait and bait you to go first rather then to peek into 3 blind enemies

  4. I feel like Reyna is too powerful as it is. She can heal 400 health every single round. That is with amazing aim. If her heal was reduced to 50 then she would be a lot more balanced in my mind

  5. Sage players always get carried with a smurf their one job is to heal and Rez the top player I suck at the game my bro is an amazing Jett he carried me to diamond I legit only use judge he carries every game with 30+ kills I get 5 or 9 at most

  6. Thing about reyna is that I am in Iron and I am WAY better than everybody else. During my placement matches, all my teammates were underpreforming (like they literally couldn't aim even with a fricking shotgun) and I was playing really team based characters, so we kept losing. (I solo q). Therefore, I am much much better than most other Irons, so if I play reyna, I literally just hard carry.

  7. Retna has a high pick rate but 80% of Reyna’s suck 😂😂😂 i have yet to lose against another Reyna and most other Reyna’s just reflex heal or reflex dismiss instead of using what should be used at the moment

    Edit: and i always pop a 30 bomb so that automatically helps the team

  8. the problem with every reyna main in low elo is they think they're hotshit but can't get a kill without being supported by her team. aka pick breach and bully the reyna. trust me, it's fun.

  9. I love reyna, out of 20 id get, 11 of them would be because I used reyna and 9 of them would be because I got lucky and accidentally got like 2 headshots and then 3 of them would be stolen kills

  10. The clickbait game is lit.

    Anyways, Viper has the best post-plant and map-wide stall in the game, assuming you play her right. I once played a Viper mirror match (on Split nonetheless) and I Viper-diffed the enemy team by playing stall/retakes and generally helping the team clear sites by cutting it in half. It also helped that I had teammates that knew how to frag on Viper setups (and the other team just tilted because they don't know how to play around their top-fragging Viper).

    Sage has high pick rates (especially in lower elo) because many players tend to value that second wind/life more than anything else (especially mollies). It also helps that she's relatively easy to pick up to. Also, Riot has a big smurfing problem because of smurfs playing Reyna.

  11. heres what i learned from viper
    use her ult on an entrance or heaven not on the spike
    her wall can split a site in two so she is really good at retaking
    she is the best one way character besides jett
    her snake bites are very underrated :
    1. you can do pioson cloud and snakebite combos when enemy trys to defuse
    2. for me mollys are used for stalling ( nevered played fps games besides valorant is the first ) so having 2 mollys to stall is better than brim having one molly that costs 300 dollars but you can get 2 viper mollys for 100 dollars each


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