5 Agents that NEED NEW BUFFS in 3.09 – Riot Devs, Please Listen – Valorant Guide

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43 thoughts on “5 Agents that NEED NEW BUFFS in 3.09 – Riot Devs, Please Listen – Valorant Guide”

  1. It would be interesting if stim beacons gave a slight movement buff or possibly a bigger movement speed increase with no increase on ROF and then faster reload and weapon switch would be incentives to hold on a stim beacon. I think more healing on Phoenix is the way to go; Healing is the one thing that still makes Phoenix different from other "duelist". I agree that Cypher being meta is good for the game (might be biased as I am a Cypher main) but his information and lock down capabilities being given some buffs would do alot against movement (Raze/Jett) and controllers (Astra/Viper) players. Cyphers ult should atleast be a faster "blip"; The timing on it feels as slow as tagging someone with his camera, and it's definitely slower and shorter than Sova drone.

  2. Cypher's ultimate isnt for taking duels against people it is for knowing what angles enemies can peek, and how much time you need for something like setting up in a site or rotating and even flanking. The one thing I belive cypher needs is just tripwires should be less visible. I have never seen somebody get trapped in them even if they are in the most hidden place imaginable.

  3. If you think about it, every controller brings something special to the table. Omen brings a blind and short range tp, Viper brings 2 mollies that apply vulnerability, and Astra of course brings her entire fuckin kit to the table. I think Brim is underperforming so much because he's lacking that X factor to bring to the table as a controller. A possible good way to solve this would be a rework of the stim beacons, and turning them into healing beacons. Any ally to step into the beacon is healed for up to 60hp and when they step out, that heal slowly goes away over time, similarly to how Reyna's works. This would give Brim that X factor to bring to the table without making him overpowered, especially in comparison to the other controllers. It would just make him a viable pick for certain situations and new kinds of team comps and combos. Also, this is just me, but Brim's smokes need wayyyy more range, especially as Riot keeps adding larger maps. I think this would not only allow Brim to compete and be viable without going overboard and making him busted, but this would also put us back into a controller-based meta, where the "tactical" in "tactical shooter" is used again, especially in light of this very duelist/initiator-based meta.

  4. Everyone confuses breach and brim and u do too.

    But speaking of agent buffs phoenix there are many ways a buff could be done. Like maybe he gets half shields after an ult. The flames could always heal like 80hp and the flashes. When u think of entry flasher. You don't even go to phoenix. Your team needs perfect sync to play of his flashes cus if how short they are.

    If one ability could be added to brim I would choose something that could allow us clear a certain part with ease. Like omens paranoia in the correct direction can easily allow you to get a pick. Same with astra gravity well

  5. 1 problem with brimstone stim becons is also that he also have to fully take out his gun like he cant just pull he has to take around 3-4 for his gun to pull out and in odin's and op's case its more difficult

  6. My god just let brim smoke wherever he wants on the map like astra or omen don't limit his range and give him rechargeable smokes if u want even make it 2 instead of 3 but make it rechargable and see how much better and useful he will be.

  7. Yoru gets the buff
    Brim kinda needs a buff but he's OK without it just outmatched
    Phoenix doesn't need a buff to his healing but his flashes
    Kayo doesn't need one either. People just need to start picking up on him and play him. His suppress ability is really strong, his ultimate too.
    The Cypher buff I can agree with but it's not necessarily needed. I'd even say leave him as is. It's fine rn. Focus on yoru and Phoenix

  8. for me as a Breach main (i mean a Brim main) 😀 😀 , the steam beacon should be changed for ex:
    * give him a restore health for 65% for ex like a health kit, (only for him )
    *or giving him a boost for his weapons,
    * or even when dropping the steam beacon making a 3 Brim images with the same movements that you´re making at the time for 5 seconds for giving the illusion to the enemy when he sees you, he see 3 Brimstones at the same time and not knowing who to shoot at . (something like you and 2 other clones) but only you can hit the enemy.

  9. The problem with Steam Beacon and fire rate in general (e.g. phantom vs vandal) is that it's a double-edged sword. You can spray faster, but you have less time to hit the headstot with first 5 or so bullets. And while you as Brim can train to better handle increased fire rate, your teammates affected by the beacon won't have that training if they don't play Brim or Reyna and they'll just whiff more.

  10. As a KAY/o main I think he could use some buffing. Making his flash cheaper would be nice and maybe last a little longer. Literally it last .1 seconds I flash peek and the enemies are literally out of the flash by the time I’m able to (barely) get back. I normally stick around another character when I’m playing so I can double peek off my flash. Playing KAYO definitely requires a little more strategy and tactical thinking. I’m relatively new to valorant and I started off with Sova but he’s freaking hard to play same with skye also what I’ve seen at my level is that skye flashes her own team more than the other team I think KAYO is a better in lower ranks as you move up he becomes less and less viable

  11. Hello riot… can u plz buff sage… she's a kind girl that helps everyone.. everyone likes her.. Everyone wants her.. Do something for her.. she deserves more…..


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