#5 and #7 Apex Predators Banned For Cheating (ayoJoke, Qvqbaidu) – Apex Legends

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49 thoughts on “#5 and #7 Apex Predators Banned For Cheating (ayoJoke, Qvqbaidu) – Apex Legends”

  1. I don't understand why Respawn pays Hideout for if not to attempt to be friends with apex streamers because what does he do really? If that's the job hierarchy at respawn, I feel bad for the people who actually work on the game.

  2. it amazes me that people can go all the way to pred without getting banned – i feel like there needs to be a killcam or something so people can report the blatant cheats without having to wait to spectate the next fight

  3. Ik this is about pc but even on console it’s hella cheaters I’m glad he keeps us up with it all . The more he releases about cheaters the more I think a lot of preds and master players are not legit and uses mostly exploits and cheats. It’s sad

  4. Honestly badges and apex predator just makes u look like a cheater if u not a streaming and dont play in comp. these losers getting a rise from a video game leaderbaord is honestly sad, its not that serious fam, get a life.

  5. Awesome to see that they are catching them and kicking them.
    Sad part is they keep returning.
    I don't understand why they cheat so hard and keep returning and repeating the bull shit.
    Super weak…..

  6. Here is what I think. Most, if not all preds cheat their way up in some way. And about 90% of masters do as well. If you notice at beginning of ever split when they are in low ranks, in our lobbies. Rank is so full with issues from DDosing to all types of shit. And it's be at of them. Period.


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