5 BROKEN Bottom Lane Combos YOU SHOULD ABUSE – League of Legends Season 11

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0:00 Intro
0:18 Kog´maw + Lulu
2:26 Samira + Rell
4:23 Ashe + Sona
6:12 QOTD
6:33 Jhin + Zyra
8:28 Ziggs + Veigar
10:32 Outro

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34 thoughts on “5 BROKEN Bottom Lane Combos YOU SHOULD ABUSE – League of Legends Season 11”

  1. Qotd: Jhin and swain when i was first learning support evrytime i landed a Q or W jhin would lock them down and i get a pull and i can throw my E out increasing CC duration and the enemy is dead or half health and most of the time jhins would run DH so it was almost always a kill late game i just drain tank get ppl low while jhin curtain calls in the back line

  2. I think Lux outclasses Zyra as a Jhin duo. She has more reliably poke and higher burst, both from longer range. Zyra has better dps and survivability than Lux, but I don't think that's worth the trade off when duo with Jhin

  3. Lucian sona. sona's aoe buffs not only heal shield and give extra damage to her whole team but also buffs lucians auto attacks with his new passive change. on top of that procing his w passive to give him move speed is very easy with her q poke. and if you build ardent censor its quite literally Damage buff + damage buff + damage buff all on his auto attacks as a attack damage carry

  4. QOTD: Recently Akshan and Braum. Akshan's passive procs Braum's passive very quickly, Akshan's E deals tons of damage and it's almost impossible to lose lvl 2 powerspike, even if enemy botlane also get's lvl 2. Generally their all ins are extremely dangerous, big dmg and a lot of hard cc, just perfect.

  5. QOTD – Lulu + Tristana. If you thought Tristana's lvl 2 all in is strong on its own, this just makes it monstrous. It's a bit of a cheesy strategy and can seriously backfire, but…when it works out, it WORKS OUT.

  6. * Bard and Fizz shall buff greatly

    1st of all bard get too huge of size" , and too slow attack animation , 2nd bard's team get very tiny feedback and gifts slight ,

    with otherhand a tremendous punishment for any any any any few mistakes. so Bard shall changed , as Amumu , big change. – 2021 *

  7. QOTD: I have a few favorites.

    Lulu/Vayne, crazy DPS and turns Vayne into a god
    Yuumi/Samira, survivability and you will never lose a trade and all-ins level 3 are easy
    Yuumi/Tristana, same reason
    Morgana/Caitlyn, classic power duo
    Xerath/Jhin, very easy to CC lock and both have long range ults that make picking people off simple

  8. I agree w these combos, however if you wanna do something off meta fun and broken AF go w ashe and shen support…. I've recently been doing it and shen is not just great with ashe in that lane he can literally dictate the game flow, I absolutely love it, 300 armor global taunt works every time… Almost xD


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