5 BRUTAL Mistakes Keeping You HARDSTUCK – BEST Tips to RANK UP – Apex Legends Guide

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29 thoughts on “5 BRUTAL Mistakes Keeping You HARDSTUCK – BEST Tips to RANK UP – Apex Legends Guide”

  1. Another tip: buy a pc so you can abuse movement and jitter aim but fuck wait should I stick to console since aim assist is so strong? Nah I’m gonna use my 800dpi, 250 fps, 3090, 120 fov, clitter aim but still gonna complain about aim assist being broken that sounds right yea dude fuck yea dude go me dude 🤣😂🤣🤣🤣

  2. Honestly try to keep your quick maths up and call out based on how much HP is left.

    >150, >100, 100, ~50, <30

    Tagged, Armor Low, Cracked/Broken, Flesh, Low and One-Shot – are the terms I use

  3. OK so about that PK with the 9 damage comment my nigga your wrong.
    For example my teammate cracks the enemy but goes down, he's at about almost less than half health and lets say I have half health and shield I go to the enemy and shoot him for fucking 9 DAMAGE then 7 and he also has a PK and fucking kills me. I look at the damage he did like 60 or something like that. I'm like WTF the PK is ass I have a right to say that cuz when I save the clip and watch it my SHOTS hit and I call bullshit.

  4. What i do is the following: every new legend i get, i play it to know how to play it.
    I have a arena main and a backup: lifline (main) and rampart (backup)
    Still not have a br main but for now my main (will be ) crypto and backup mirage

  5. It's hard to let it go when audio breaking 100% got you killed. That's not on you and could be easily be fixed if 😈EA/Respawn😈 actually cared about quality instead of selling skins. I know there are some devs that give a damn and can't get attention. Sad 😔

  6. 100% agree on all of these tips. Once you get these down getting out of p4 is only a Mechanical issue. Not panicking got me personally out of p4, and learning how to be aware and rotate got me to d4. My new goal is to hit masters by s14 and am currently working on getting my squad ready for the diamond grind. Definitely need to work on the comms skill, sooo important in the heat of battle.

  7. I really love your videos and how informative they are. On the last point you mentioned about not blaming the game if you lose I really get your point, but this game, in particular, has very bad audio, sometimes it is hard to pinpoint where's your enemy just by the footsteps or some other times an enemy comes out of nowhere, stans behind you with zero audio queue and kills you without you being able to defend yourself, it doesn't happen all the times but it is an issue of the game. Keep up the good work! ❤❤

  8. I need to main a better legend I only have 2 3000 damage legends which r loba and rampart I don't even have a 2000 with the rest I jus play way better with these two and I try but jus can't I jus gotta keep going at it I guess I wanna main either main Valk or caustic maybe gibby I see all pros use these


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