5 PRESEASON Sleeper OP Picks & Builds Almost NOBODY USES in Patch 11.24 – League of Legends

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0:00 Intro
0:21 Vayne
2:47 Ezreal
4:27 Miss Fortune
5:45 Ornn
7:30 QotD
7:41 Skarner
9:29 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.24 Best support 11.24, best mid laners 11.24, best junglers 11.24, best top laners 11.24, patch 11.24 rundown, 11.24 lol, 11.24 changes, item buffs 11.24, preseason 11.24, chemtech drake 11.24, hextech drake 11.24, fimbulwinter 11.24, mythic items 11.24, rift scuttle changes 11.24, Ivern buffs 11.24, archangel’s staff buffs 11.24, chemtech mini dragon buff buffs 11.24, predator nerfs 11.24, chemtech dragon soul nerfs 11.24, crown of the shattered queen nerfs 11.24, cosmic drive nerfs 11.24, evenshroud nerfs 11.24, frostfire gauntlet nerfs 11.24,

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19 thoughts on “5 PRESEASON Sleeper OP Picks & Builds Almost NOBODY USES in Patch 11.24 – League of Legends”

  1. Item: crown for sure. I was playing with my friends and one of them was going xerath support and he facetanked an empowered heimer W (he was like 5/0) losing not even a quarter Hps. 75% redecution is just dumb they should go for 50% and raise ap instead of what they have done. Rune: Lethal tempo i think is so underrated and covers the weakness of adcs like vayne and extends the bullshit of adcs like cait and twitch.

  2. "you have champions like Zed and Vi who have p&c gap closers you can't really avoid, No matter who you are…"
    Me, a Xayah main since late season 9: "am I a joke to you? I literally pick Xayah when the enemy team has a Zed especially for this reason"

  3. riots say that an old Pantheon is unskilled and does not have skil shot So they changed it but miss fortune and Malphite and Teemo Nobody talks about them. but Riots like them and think they are good champions and have skills Riot They changed old Pantheon, but why don't they change Those Champions too

  4. Hey proguides,

    I was wondering what your opinion would be on the sticks with crown of the shattered queen ? I know this way you technically loose either rocketbelt and dark harvest. However, shattered queen gives bonus ms per item. Regarding this would it enable you to skip predator and instead take ghost so you can take dark harvest, or you could take predator and get gathering Storm + the movement speed minor rune.

  5. As an MF main, I've tried pretty much every build on her and what works best with lethality MF is a good AP poke mage to pair up with. Your E makes landing skill shots free so pairing with someone like Lux or Morgana a pain for the enemy ADC, but you have to be very careful not to waste your mana with the build as your E takes a lot to use. Ideally only using it when follow-up is guaranteed since the damage isn't really meaningful and the slow is the important part of the ability. Combing an E + Q bounce onto a caster minion is a great way to get massive burst damage off and is very safe. The main thing to know about lethality MF is that she has almost no attack speed so taking objectives or even just farming is much slower than crit build MF so building greaves for a bit more attack speed can still be pretty helpful in some situations. Also make sure to build Grudge 3rd item if they have a champ going full tank or a champ who relies on high movement speed to get out of your ult like Lilia or Jhin as the slow it gives can make it really difficult for them to escape.


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