5 STRONGEST EARLY GAME CHAMPIONS in League of Legends – Season 11

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0:00 Intro
0:20 Darius
1:05 QOTD
1:25 Darius
2:34 Kled
4:56 Elise
7:33 Pantheon
9:47 Tristana
11:33 Outro

Concepts: Concepts: Best ADC 11.7, Best support 11.7, best mid laners 11.7, best junglers 11.7, best top laners 11.7, patch 11.7 rundown, 11.7 lol, 11.7 changes, item buffs 11.7, Essence Reaver nerfs 11.7, Lord Dominik’s regards nerfs 11.7, everfrost nerfs 11.7, udyr nerfs 11.7, hecarim nerfs 11.7, ivern nerfs 11.7, rell nerfs 11.7, thresh nerfs 11.7, alistar nerfs 11.7, kai’sa nerfs 11.7, tristana nerfs 11.7, serlyda’s grudge buffs 11.7, trinity force buffs 11.7, kindred buffs 11.7, yorick buffs 11.7, braum buffs 11.7, yasuo buffs 11.7, mordekaiser buffs 11.7, lissandra buffs 11.7, ashe buffs 11.7, varus buffs 11.7, amumu buffs 11.7,

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34 thoughts on “5 STRONGEST EARLY GAME CHAMPIONS in League of Legends – Season 11”

  1. QOTD: I do like the concept of late game auto-wins like Veigar, Senna, and Kayle. I just wish they can be a bit kore sustainable in the early to mid game so they can heighten their snowball.

  2. No warwick? I think warwick also has pretty strong lvl 1 game. He will take a bite out of enemy (Q) decreasing enemy hp while increasing his own. Also when warwick is on low health, he starts dealing more damage and healing more and if enemy has low hp, warwick goes insane with bloodlust attack speed (W). Warwick (E) doesn't really help much in early game unless his entire team is harrasing enemy jungle and warwick uses his E to take more damage and scare enemy team away while ally team does damage. I think all of that makes warwick pretty dangerous early game.

  3. Kled is not strong early at all (I main the champ). Horrible blind pick, mostly bad matchups top, really long cooldowns early, and his most important trading ability is a passive so you don't have it when you need it, not to mention that titanic hydra is getting nerfed In 11.8 with the changes hitting kled especially hard (now hell get about 26 bonus AD instead of about 42)


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