5 Things Apex Predators DO That You Don't!

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#apexpredator #apexlegends

5 things apex predators do, that you dont
5 tips to become an apex predator
5 skills to become an apex predator
Apex Predator Rank


29 thoughts on “5 Things Apex Predators DO That You Don't!”

  1. Any tips on how to improve my aim? I tired the tips in your video on aiming but my aim is still bad. Apex is the first FPS I’ve played so I don’t have good mechanical skill.

  2. Very true! The times I've had the honor of playing with Pred/Master players they are usually very team oriented. They don't go running off, if they ping a jump tower they won't take it until everyone is ready, they don't push fights alone (unless a team starts attacking them of course), and they drop or ping what you need. From my personal experience I've never seen them so anything insane as far as movement (because they can get knocked just like anyone else, which is why they understand that a strong team is key) but that teamwork mindset really does help solidify the team's success!

    This sort of thing is pretty uncommon in the lower tier and it's kind of sad. Literally the teamwork aspect of the game is what drew me to apex to begin with. I wish I could carry my team to wins, but I'm just not that good (and if I'm being honest my wrist and fingers just won't allow me…they even ache as I try to reach diamond before the split this season). I just want to say you pred/master (and sometimes diamond) players are awesome. Thanks for being kind of us mere average players haha jk I will say that the amount of games I've had where I just felt in sync with my teammates is pretty rare. I find myself saying, more now than ever, "what are you doing?" because I literally can't read my teammates mind when they make decisions. Sometimes it feels as if they're just moving from point A to point B with no plan. These players are also usually the one's who won't even consider listening to the person who's the at the highest peak of our tier color (so in Gold, a Gold 1 leading the group, of in Plat, a plat 1 taking the lead). I often like to follow the person who's higher in the tier than I am, this is simply out of my understanding they they've earn more RP and are ahead either due to smart gameplay, or they've been grinding insanely.

    The last thing I want to do is throw a match for them because you never know how close they may be to actually ranking up. Usually if they land far away from teams and they're Plat 1, this says to me that they intend to play the match safe. I don't think some players understand this. Most people do not want to have to rat a ranked game, so I believe they would like you to simply compromise (at least for this game).

    Anyone out there who have had to deal with this? Am I wrong about these assumptions?

  3. I grew up in a skater family so these skate clips are beating my ass with nostalgia. They have the same quality/aspect ratio as the camcorder i used to make my dad’s and brother’s skate vids lol. Plus the wheels on the concrete and the clack of the tail when you hop on the ledge… dems sounds delicious.


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