5 WORST LEGENDS You MUST NEVER MAIN – Apex Legends Ranked Guide

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Song: Chime – Lifelong [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/Lifelong
Watch: http://youtu.be/UDVzaNB0Hso

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34 thoughts on “5 WORST LEGENDS You MUST NEVER MAIN – Apex Legends Ranked Guide”

  1. Nothing kills a new player's enjoyment (or any player) of the game faster then convincing them that they shouldn't or can't play a Legend/Character they are genuinely interested in and are excited to play. Do not make yourself miserable trying to follow the meta if you legend choice doesn't align. You can make it work with literally any legend if you put the work and time in. I've made it to diamond playing mostly Rampart, I promise you can do it!

  2. 17k kill masters crypto here, crypto is crazy good, it’s just that he’s probably the hardest legend to learn, there’s a lot of drone tech such as self emps, climb deploys and a lot of other super interesting techniques unique to the character that simply make him quicker and more utilized by either a solo crypto or a team, of course he also essentially has a weaker lifeline passive with the drone revives, making a lot of characters obsolete if you can master crypto

  3. Why do you use pro game play as background vs using your own?

    Also with crypto you can slide down hills and use your Drone at the same time which helps you keep up with your team, and cryptos emp can be used outside of Drone view, so as long as you place the Drone first, this gives you the ability to move with your team and attack at the same time.

    With Mirage, if you don’t immediately move when you pop his ult, you can confuse people at a high level. The issue is people don’t know how to play him, and when they ult, you just have to pick the mirage that is running away, likely looking to heal.

    Rampart, I’m just going to say gaming merchant would be appalled lol.

    And if you ever watch shiv at high level gameplay he almost always uses Bangalore’s smoke to blind third party attacks from pushing him when he’s in the middle of fighting.

    I think you need to do some more research on how legends operate before making these videos.

    Im going to leave you alone on Wattson, but some of her tactics like putting fences on vertical zip lines in storm point, and pre setting a fence through a door/baiting people to door play while your healing, is deadly…. She can also fence people so they can’t crawl away when downed and can fence wraith portals.

  4. Bang needs to be able to have vision in the smoke although think it may be too OP… but deffo would balance her.

    I main Ash, curious if she gets any love next season.

    Surprised didn't see revenant in this list, but his tac can be so OP and change fights instantly (get 2k nearly every time I play him atm)

  5. For me best would be that Bangalore's smoke would be unscanable, for mirage his holograms would be more player like (climbing on walls that are possible to climb on and going through portals), more health to walls while putting them up for rampart, and for crypto and Wattson i don't have specific ideas

  6. I played wattson bronze to diamond 2 solo only using her and I’m not the most skilled player I’m average to below average but she was one of the main reasons I was able to get there I find so much use for her

  7. Im have very strong feelings to the fact that mirage needs to be reworked into a recon legend, giving him the survey beacon passive for more use to the team, and when a clone gets shot, its more like bloodhounds tactical that just a ping in the general area


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