6 SECRET TIPS for EVERY Controller Player – RANK UP FAST – Apex Legends Guide

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38 thoughts on “6 SECRET TIPS for EVERY Controller Player – RANK UP FAST – Apex Legends Guide”

  1. How do I use wall jumping effectively in the middle of a fight cause when I try to my legend gets slowed and can’t wall jump properly like pros do. I’m a masters player but I feel like if I learned how to wall jump better I could be doing A LOT better as my aim is fine along with basic movements, situational awareness, positioning and fast looting.

  2. The biggest thing I can say that has helped me in Apex is learning how to use a form of claw.
    Just simply being able to hit any button without having to sacrifice movement and/or aim is huge.
    And tbh I can't play on controller unless I use claw; that goes for every game I play on console. It just feels natural and smooth.

  3. for PER optic settings, id recommend setting ALL of them to 10.0

    if you dont, because you cant control it, this just means youre bad, and need to work on your hand eye coordination more.

    your future, better self will thank you.

  4. Emptying your clip works but it's ridiculous that what we have to do. Especially when it's a waste of ammo, it's a waste of time you use shooting the rest of the clip, and worst of all reloading before the clip is empty or a tactical reload is quicker that reloading an empty clip. That time wasted can get you killed just like moving away to reload.

  5. I spent about a week getting my ACS fine tuned 😂. Just to get the target 🎯 tracking on point for each optic – especially for sniping. And now that it’s set I dare not touch it again 😂

  6. The best solution to fix reloading behind doors or knockdowns without changing tap to reload and interact, is to make priorities when in that scenario. For example when near a door they should make reload hold and door interact tap, while behind knockdown tap to reload remains because you need to hold to revive. Another annoying thing is why do caustic and wattson use the reload button for picking up their traps when they can make it like rampart walls that uses a different button? The amount of times I have died because I pick up a node instead of reloading is unreal.

  7. On p.c I can't pop a heat shield. Gtg in the menu then hit it . Then I can flick it down. So bad. Why on steam my buttons come up like xbox ? I hate it coming from a ps4/3/2/1 and using a ps controller with Xbox button on screen.

  8. Also, stop comparing yourselves with the streamers!!! They are using PC to enhance their apex experience!!! You use a fucking ps4 or Xbox and there are limitations you are going to work 3x as hard to get there !!!!

  9. I have a question about controller in Apex. Does aim assist support controller use on PC ? Because I tried to use controller on PC but it’s seem like it doesn’t has aim assist at all

  10. I made the settings but I move slowly when I move I don't know why but is it because of the ? How can i fix it

    Look when i watch your videos your screen little bit tiny but you actually moving really fast with wraith or different legends but mines kinda big, moving slow and every single time i have to wait the legend jumping time i can’t do on time



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