60K EXP, Black Keycard & 10 Kills In 2 Minutes Labs Run – Stream Highlights – Escape from Tarkov

This was one of the most intense starts to a labs raid i’ve ever had and it turned into one incredible run!
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49 thoughts on “60K EXP, Black Keycard & 10 Kills In 2 Minutes Labs Run – Stream Highlights – Escape from Tarkov”

  1. Would be cool to see the gl40 have pure HE projectiles instead of only the crazy good frag rounds make it kind of like battlefield 4 where it's just the explosion damage but also still have those crazy frag rounds and just have them cost a crap ton.

  2. HAS anyone been experiencing constant disconnects?? Any advice on what to do? Please! I'm disconnected very quickly when I join a raid, scav and pmc. I tried disabling IPv6, playing on a VPN, changing servers. Nothing works. I guess I can uninstall and redownload but I don't think that'll do anything.

  3. I just wish I could play the game. I can't even get past the stash. anything I do gets an error message. eh eh…. can't do that. and when I do get in a game, no one is there,
    I'm on a map by myself! its fucking insane. its come down to this… load game. collect coins. exit game.

  4. Did alot of pistol shooting and when you first start shooting with them there odd because its not just get the sight on target there is a science to it to refine your accuracy with a pistol when I started I was really bad and then I took time to learn and got pretty good at it

  5. I used to do professional trap shooting for about six years and let me tell you. When you’re trying to hit a small orange disk going 40-45 mph isn’t always easy especially if you can’t keep your focus. Shooting a gun very effectively is all about practice, form and focus. Not just anyone can shoot at a great level

  6. You know when you talk about shooting and telling what to hit from what distance its very important what weapon you're using when you talk about it and the gear. I was a pro pistol sportsman and I can say what matters most is the consistency and grouping all your shots in one smaļl group, I mean to hit a coin… Eventually anyone can hit it but to be consistent this is where you consider some one better and it DOES require a at least a 6 months of consistent training and technique development to kind of get into the league.

  7. People who can shoot well irl always think it's not hard… but let me tell you, I took my mom out to the range a few weeks back cause I bought her an Ruger LCP and even at 7 yards (6.5m) she couldn't put one on paper. Sight picture and sight alignment are hard for non-shooters apparently. They're too focused on the sight and they end up not even aiming at what they want to haha.

  8. what were you shooting at the range pestily? i started off on the cz sp-01 shadow and the glock 19 and moved onto the s&w mp 9 still own it today and hit the range weekly. like you said shooting isent hard but when it comes to pistal shooting you gotta put the time and effort and learn the right way my biggest fault was jumping befor the pull or as i pulled took me ages to get over that as the rang officer said its gunna go bang relax lmao all down to trigger discipline and breathing you end up spending weeks just on recoil control


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