7 Sequels That Made The Original Game Worse

When a game has a great story out, surely it’s brilliant forever? Not when a sequel comes along and undermines some beloved moment or key plot point. Join us to discover seven sequels that somehow managed to make the original game worse, and be sure to subscribe for a new video like this every single week!

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44 thoughts on “7 Sequels That Made The Original Game Worse”

  1. Am I the only one who knew that Lucy was a double agent even before they explained it in the sequel. IIRC, it has something to do with the footprints and that dialogue with her behind the villa. Heck, the only reason why it's showing she's blue instead of red is because she actually like Desmond and ended up helping them instead of giving info to Vidic. Which is why it makes sense that Juno wanted to kill her because she didn't want to take any chances with her and the fact she didn't have a good relationship with the other two. So, it didn't bugged me as much. Although, I do wish that the reason for killing her wasn't the whole VA thing though. I'm getting Ryder flashbacks from GTA SA.

  2. The WoW information is actually…incorrect. We've known that Demons couldn't be permanently killed unless killed inside of the Twisting Nether for many years before WoD. In fact, we knew that easily as long back as The Burning Crusade. The problem was they didn't really show it or explain it well, only that usually it takes powerful ones a very long time to come back. The big change they made in WoD/Legion was the METHOD of how they came back, it was first thought to just…happen, but now we know it was a giant freaking machine that brought them back to life.

  3. I was with you until Edgeworth. Y'all have really never seen the misunderstood badass with a heart of gold anime rival? Maybe we just had entirely different experiences with the first four cases in you thinking that Phoenix was actually making Edgeworth a better person rather than gradually convincing him to open up and dealing with the traumatic backstory that gave him such a cold, shady affect in the first place.

  4. Did you forget about Five Nights At Freddy's? Or is that franchise's narrative so thoroughly FUBAR that you don't even know where to begin?

    If the latter, start with the very first time it contradicted itself: That the murders occurred BEFORE "the bite of 87".

    In the original, it's heavily implied that five children were murdered and their bodies hidden inside the animatronic characters. And in FNAF2, The Phone Guy tells you that "the smell" was one of the reasons the original animatronics had been abandoned in favor of the "toy" versions. But then at the end, The Phone Guy is frantic as if the murders JUST HAPPENED, and it's implied that "the bite of 87" has not occurred yet either.

    My own personal theory is that Scott Cawthon realized it would make for a much bigger twist if #2 were a prequel halfway through and forgot to take out all of the lore he included when it was supposed to have been a direct sequel. Which left us with two separate sets of murders and a series creator who refused to admit he'd goofed and is still trying to pretend he had this planned all along as he made his story even more convoluted and contradictory with every installment since.

  5. Star Ocean Till the End of Time is infamous for a plot twist that changed all the entries in the series to the point that some fans won't play any of them anymore.

  6. I Mean Chief was under the impression he was the Last One Left, and they left us with that thought, untill well more came out its not a big deal lol Halo 5 Did Suck Balls though thats for sure. And i mean if you read the Book Halo the Flood there was Linda i think? Who was in a Stasis Pod Technically the ENTIRE time on the Autumn during halo 1 sooo meh, im not that butt hurt over more spartans existing when we thought there was just Chief left.

  7. The World of Warcraft cannon ends at Wrath of the Lich King and the Halo cannon ends after 3 as far as I'm concerned.
    …What? Assassin's Creed? I've NEVER given an ounce of a shit aboit anything modern day there, not in the first game, and definitely in 2 where Asam and Eve were white.

  8. While it's nowhere as famous as these listed examples, I think Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory deserves a mention. It's more of a follow-up than a sequel but midway through the game it makes a narrative choice that basically makes everything in the original no longer make sense, and turns virutally every single character into an overtly ignorant idiot, even the villains.

  9. far cry new dawn revealing that joseph seed was a good guy all along was pretty annoying considering some of the shit he admitted to in the first game particularly killing his own daughter

  10. In Sindel's case, her benevolent self was ripped away from her when Shao Kahn took her as his queen, and after she killed herself Quan Chi resurrected her as a soulless banshee (hence the scream), so all that was good in her was killed off for good

  11. I'm sorry and this is likely going down as THE hottest take on the whole thing, but Sindel only had that backstory added simply as a support to Kitana. What you guys left out was the part where (As stated in the original MK3 Bio) she was originally evil before her untimely death and subsequent resurrection (which as you may have already guessed, completely conflicts with the supposed story of her killing herself before Shao Kahn resurrected her) and notice how she only over appeared in MK3 and didn't make an appearance again until MK Deception where she had her "Redemption arc" (That hardly justified existing seeing as it was nothing more then a non-canon ending before they retroactively reconned her for the good guys angle). If anything, her MK11 story is technically a 2nd retcon (For the reasons mentioned in the original MK3) and in my opinion, it fixes one of Neatherrealms many nonsensical inconsistincies from the 3D era when it came to character development.

    No shade towards you guys but as one of those longtime fans ( and by that, some who has actually kept up with the whole series since the first game having played the games on arcades as well), it annoys me that so many want ignore that part of Sindel's original development while getting mad and declaring that they "Ruined her". Just classic selection bias.

  12. The Halo books retconned the number of living Spartan II's two years after the first game came out. Their appearance in Halo 5 is just a gift to the book fans. I think they got stranded on/in an alien planet during Halo 1-3 so as not make things to easy.

  13. I'm not tryna make accusations but gameranx litterally posted a video basically the same as this 3 days ago too and to me it seems ripped from this and I just found articles claiming gameranx do this a lot I'm disappointed I love both channels and now I feel my taste of gameranx has been soured after seeing their video after this

  14. i have a theory that lucy and desmond had started falling for each other and that is why juno killed lucy off so that desmond would have no reason to reject her offer at the end of ac3.

  15. I was okay with the Sindel reveal in Aftermath. This was in part due to not having played nor cared about the earlier games, and in part to the fact that her relationship with Shao Khan was like that of an evil Gomez and Morticia Addams.

  16. While anyone can agree that Halo 5's campaign was a unique kind of disaster (barring excepcions), you're exagerating a bit with "it retroactively makes the previous game´s plot worse".

    Even ignoring the EU, Halo Wars 2 implies the existance of a Halo Wars 1 (no, don't bring up ODST´s naming schenanigans), when Red Team was introduced and…look, tldr, Bungie was kind of a Disney about the EU. Which is more of a "Bungie and 343 are fighting like children over the toys´backstory" thing, no wonder it's a mess.

    Even then "no longer the last of his kind" only ruins Chief's.. to call it something, "aura", if you believe "There's no such thing as a world of the mirror" religiously, we do sometimes get wrong information about the setting (now it's whether our sources "deh hoomans" are not omniscient or because the writers are literally retconing stuff like it was on sale, YOU MAKE THE CALL!)

    Now for a game that does retroactively ruin the previous one: Chronno Cross.

    Chronno Trigger´s plot (and everything else) is already a mediocre at best_, but who had the bright idea to make every action of CT be a "Good job shitting on it moron" moment, as well as actively blaming the player _for something outside of their control specially when it didn't happen this game only to paint the previous team as idiots who can't distinguish the side of the sword that goes onto the enemy, much less how to prevent a catastrophe (or actively causing it). On a plot that already goes on the "your decisions matter, the color of the explosion at the ending is really important" though process.

    You want a videogaame that fits all of: *LINEAR*, self-contradictory, pure style no substance (worse because the "art"style is only "good" for fans of the other thing), that not even it's sequel respects it? Chrono Triger ladies and gentlemen.

  17. there was probably a disconnect in identity, between MG2:SS and Portable Ops. Who else knew Null was Grey Fox, they're different names and probably different faces, identities..etc.

  18. I think one example is doom eternal and 2016. 2016 before i played eternal was fantastic, however going back to it after playing eternal is very difficult to do because of how hard and polished eternal is, and objectively better in parts to 2016.

  19. Sindel's original version did not survive the 2011 reboot as mentioned, with Aftermath her ever being good was retconned. Her story is definitely better when she is a good guy with a tragic backstory, but it isn't a contradiction in the canon as many people say it is. I much prefer good Sindel over the current one as well, but I'm not gonna lie about it and claim it contradicts anything.


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