Apex Legends Nerfing Seer + More Buffs (Prowler, LStar, Wattson, Crypto, Bangalore)

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Apex Legends has stated plans for buffs and nerfs for season 10 that will impact the newest legend Seer, along with weapon changes for the Prowler, the L-Star and other legends such as Wattson, Crypto, and Bangalore and how they currently view the Rampage LMG and other weapons. The biggest changes and the quickest we should see are for Seer which is said to be in a few weeks and players and pro’s have complained about him heavily. There are some players though that feel Seer is in a good place in the meta and no balance changes should happen. The Prowler is also confirmed to be getting a nerf as many pro players have complained about the quick time to kill and it being over powered. The L-Star was also decided for a nerf which is odd because they just buffed it although no one seemed to be asking for it. Legends such as Wattson and Crypto and Bangalore have been confirmed they are being worked on however Respawn and Apex Legends could not give an exact time when these changes would take place nor go into to much detail about what we could expect for the changes to those legends.

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49 thoughts on “Apex Legends Nerfing Seer + More Buffs (Prowler, LStar, Wattson, Crypto, Bangalore)”

  1. L star is broken right now. If you play high level arena every single person in a 3stack uses it. The projectile speed needs nerfed, headshot multiplier nerfed again, and there needs to be wayyyy more recoil. People arent even buying secondaries because you never have to reload, and they are using it on Oasis like a scout rifle

  2. What’s everyone’s thoughts on the spitfire right now? I think it’s not a very good crate weapon and doesn’t compete with rampage in the slightest.

  3. As a crypto main this hurts

    Granted I’m use to how he works and he’s more important then other recons because he can get banners predict there party’s and even get the next ring instantly

    But it dose feel good because no one will pick the legend you want to play

  4. Lstar didn't need a buff in the first place. We were already complaining about the spitfire for multiple seasons. Then they packaged it and we jumped for joy — until we realized they put 2 even more broken LMGs in the game. Rampage is stupid as well. And I play Rampart so I have even more benefit. The meta is so fucked rn

  5. I'm having a blast with Seer. As a former Crypto main this is basically what I've wanted Crypto to be like. That said, Seer needs a nerf. Take off the flash, stun, damage and maybe reduce the time you can see an enemy. His passive will still keep him top teir, but nerfing his tactical would go a long way.

  6. they planning to buff bangalore? LETS FKIN GOO! i actually want to main wraith but its overrated. People always use her and i don't get the chance to pick wraith so that's why i main bangalore bcs less people pick her. And now i'm a bangalore main

  7. Okay. Crypto buff. Holding the tactical sets up an optional UI similar to Fuses ultimate. Rather than a flat ring it would be a highlighted sphere or cone of influence the drone could view. The players curser is the center point, the sphere is optimized so the drone will get scans often. This would allow for quick drone placements as the drone flies on the pre-established sightline. After reaching the pinged position the drone will hold placement. UI turns red if there's not enough head space for drone to fly. 25 second cool down on the tactical ping but you may still fly manually unlimited.
    Please help me get the apex devs to see this.

  8. I think seer is in a good place in my opinion I'm having so much with him and I know it's good to have some balance in the game but crying out nerfs all the time will sometimes cause respawn to over do it and that's not fun for anybody

  9. Crazy how the Lstar and Prowler are my fav guns, now since the buff to the Lstar, its considered the best gun and now everyone using it and i never used the Select fire with my Prowler before it was put in the care package and now all of a sudden the Prowler is too strong and needs nerf, no mfs yall just don't have a trigger finger, that gun is on par with the R99 to me, great close range and bad mid, long range, yall can only use the gun when its automatic.

  10. Seers passive needs to b reduces dramatically, like down to only 20m or something. His q should not stop heals, res, or show health. it should only last 4 seconds not 8. His ult needs to take longer to get. His q should get intersepted by Watson ult bc he has no counter play besides running away and sometimes u just can’t do that. Like we already have bloodhound and crypto, so y release another wall hack character who is stronger than both. Also me and my friends died to squad with crypto, bloodhound and seer and they all popped their ult, like what r we supposed to do against that, they have free WALL HACKS

  11. Yeah its not like ive been waiting on a decent wattson buff since her release date for 2 years now i want to place down a fence without waiting another minuite for another one to recharge but i guess if nobody else plays her it doesnt matter so just push it back another season and give wraith another heirloom at this point

  12. They have no clue what to do with wattson clearly , she has the slowest ultimate in the game valkyrie gets her ultimate in half the time and can shoot missiles at wattson mains and they cant use theres to defend themselves without ultimate accelerants they cant even change her kit as if they make it faster then they have to replace her stacking 2 ultimate accelerants. And then what do they replace that with? More damage on the fences higher fences? It does not matter when wraith can teleport through them valk can easily fly over , gibby can cut them off by throwing a dome through them ,caustic can gas trap them out and how gas can affect electricity makes no sense , not to mention if against a crypto he can destroy all fences and ultimate with the click of a button.

  13. Idea for Crypto. Keep it as it is, but then add a extra button that you can push. Kinda like Mirage with his clone but instead of hitting the button to take control of it, you hit the button and it goes to that spot

  14. I can't imagine why the L-Star would need a nerf. The only thing it needs is to have the effects reduced or removed when shooting through amped wall. Rampage is good as it is honestly. Definitely agree with something extra for Bangalore.

  15. seer seriously isnt that OP if you ask me. Yes I think is tactical should do 0 damage instead of 10 and his ult could use an increase on cool down but other than that I think he is fine. yes he is powerful but its requires skill to use his tactical. and his ult? just crouch walk and focus fire it to take it out its not that hard. I get pushed by a lot of seers but i do not die to many seers and when i do its not because his abilities are OP

  16. the same players that claim seer is over powered and " extremely frustrating" are the players that think R301 recoil is too much to handle and play Fuse on a daily basis

  17. Crypto: Hold tactical to enter your drone; tap tactical to throw drone (ideally up, and maybe some forward if you're walking/running forwards).
    This way you can run towards someone hiding somewhere behind some cover and just throw up your drone while running to give you and your team their location.
    In a room/getting pushed, throw it up in a corner so it acts as an alert/distraction and then rotate to a different corner/angle/flank

  18. As a Crypto main I don't think he needs a drastic buff. He needs quality of life adjustments – with his kit so reliant on the drone it should feel smoother and more appropriate for Apex's fast paced gamplay.
    I'd say lower the drones cooldown a bit and let Crypto enter and exit it faster. But I'm biased of course XD


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