Tyrande vs. Nathanos Cinematic Reaction | Shadowlands Scourge Invasion | Reaction + Thoughts

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Do not claim victory, for the fight has only just begun.

I will stand by my Kaldorei until the end. I have faith and hope in a brighter and better future. Tyrande vs. Nathanos was eventually going to occur. This is very satisfying, however, there is much more to be done. Perhaps we’ll see him as a boss in a raid.

If you’re here for the reaction only, it starts at 1:00.

If you’re staying to watch a little longer, I implore you watch everything and truly listen before leaving any comment if you so feel inclined.

Respect my views as I respect yours.

Now, if ya’ll will excuse me, I’m going to play some World of Warcraft: Shadowlands! (Pre-Patch).

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11 thoughts on “Tyrande vs. Nathanos Cinematic Reaction | Shadowlands Scourge Invasion | Reaction + Thoughts”

  1. The reaction portion begins at 1:00 💜

    If you're staying to watch a little longer, I implore you watch everything and truly listen before leaving any comment if you so feel inclined.

    Respect my views as I respect yours.

    Shaha'Lorma 🌙

  2. Nice video and reaction. Gotta say though, while I am happy Nathanos is dead as well, because he was annoying af in BFA, I do think Sylvanas has been working for a greater good. I do think justice is coming for her and that she is gonna pay in some way or another for what she did but I also dont think she is the villain most people think she is (I also do expect a mini redemption moment but not anything like "Oh no, we were wrong she is a hero" but more like "I did all this for this reason and I'd do it again" sort of moment) and there has been evidence of that throughout the expansion until now. And this is what I like about the BFA storyline, some people will never fogive her for what she did to Teldrassil which is COMPLETELY understandable because they're thinking "You burned my city and my friends, fuck the universe, I dont care, my life is in ruins" but others will ALSO understand that while horrible, it was necessery for some greater good, for the universe, its interesting to see these two sides. Ofcourse all of this under the idea that Blizz has been having her do all this for some greater good, which I'm confident they are doing and not because "Oh look at me I'm evil now", but you never know.

  3. If you know the Horde then why do you say the true Horde? The true Horde are evil.

    Also, Blizzard contradict Tyrande's character. She rejected the Nightbourne because they locked themselves away and didn't help during the war of the ancients. However, if you read the Wolfheart novel you see that she was the main character that convinced him to allow the Worgen back into the Alliance, something Varian was against because the Gilneans locked themselves away, the same as the Nightbourne.

    Don't blame Tyrande, blame Blizzard bias for the Horde

  4. Ok you just got yourself a new follower based on everything you said! I'm also done with the Alliance as I'm a Kaldorei first so if they are not helping us then we shall do so alone! By Elune we shall get justice for our fallen!


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