Cyberpunk 2077 – Metalhead

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It’s time to venture into the belly of the beast – Maelstrom Gang HQ. I sincerely doubt these guys are going to honour any of the promises they’ve made, and that’s going to present a problem when it comes to negotiations.

This video also available on Floatplane:

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30 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – Metalhead”

  1. don't know who told him there's only 20hrs in this game . I'm 45 hrs into my first play through so far , and yeah i've done a few side missions but still doesn't seem like I'm done anytime soon 🙂

  2. Jingles. Have you heard what paid by Hollywood companies NC Senator Thom Tillis is trying to do lately? He's trying to ram thru a law that makes DMCA strikes felonies. I'd turn off in game music if i were u.

    Jingles must be protected!

  3. The way your HUD visibly translates when Jackie says something in Spanish is a nice touch. It suggests that your character can see the subtitles in-game, and who doesn't want to go through life with subtitles on? 🙂

  4. Have to admit, the conversation with the bartender reminded me a little bit of the conversation with Pancho Barnes in "The Right Stuff", about how a pilot got his picture on the bar wall there.

  5. My encounter in Maelstrom Den went slightly different and i've seen a version by ChristoperOdd that was different again 🙂 Unless you skipped a piece at the end of that mission to save the surprise you saw the easy version 🙂

  6. 28:01 – I hate the voice acting they did for this character with such drastic and sudden changes in whether he decides to have an accent on his voice or not. This random super thick and heavy Spanish-American accent and sassy attitude just pops up out of nowhere with this guy like mid convo, and it's usually just for like a split second while he says some Spanglish slang word and then it's right back to straight Caucasian white dude…. It's so jarring, while otherwise he sounds all relaxed with literally next to no discernable accent at all… It's coming off so inauthentic and fake to me. It's basically the same as like you going into some Chinese restaurant and you're greeted with this guy's classic stereotypical Asian-American accent on his voice, and then that same guy walks away for a bit and then comes back over to your table to see what you want to drink and now he sounds like your average white dude from Vermont or some sh*t with no accent, like wtf lol? It's so unnatural and forced sounding how they voiced this character, I swear it's like they actually used 2 different voice actors for some reason and then just mashed em together like that would somehow work. Either that, or they hired some white dude who's speaking in his normal white dude voice with little to no accent at all most of the time, and then occasionally trying to fake a Spanish-American accent for the occasional Spanish slang word that pops up in the script. Some average white dude voice actor who's faking the Spanish-American accent would at least explain why those parts of the character's dialogue sound so over the top and heavy, just like someone trying to impersonate how people from the UK talk etc. it almost always comes out sounding way overdone and not authentic like this.

  7. I'm back! About 2,5 days later and ofcourse, youtube is bloody disgraceful again… still no 1440p rendering….
    Fine, fuck them, I'll check wether the cunts finally managed to get the first episode(s) up at a resolution of the non-plebian variety.


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