How to Play Ezreal Jungle & EASY CARRY Season 12 + Best Build/Runes League of Legends

How to Play Ezreal Jungle & CARRY Season 12 + Best Build/Runes
Ezreal Season 12 Jungle Gameplay Guide League of Legends
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#LeagueOfLegends #Ezreal #KingStix


33 thoughts on “How to Play Ezreal Jungle & EASY CARRY Season 12 + Best Build/Runes League of Legends”

  1. Stixโ€™s on his way to show us that marksmen are more viable in the jungle than in botlane.
    Canโ€™t wait for the next installment : ยซย  How to carry with Jhin jungle 4 beginnersย ยป

  2. Essence reaver > manamune > crown is pretty broken on ez really good for dueling. Idk if crown dmg reduction stacks with red smite but if it does thatโ€™s hilarious you would take 0 damage

  3. King's comment about AD items had me do a little research and there are 21 mage items (not including support items because what mage is going to build those) while AD has 42.
    Since season 11 I've felt like mage items have been really lacking. There is barely any variety to your build if you go mage vs build potential with AD champs. With YI I can go crit or lethality or on hit. With Xerath the only variety I get is my mythic choice and even then you're most likely going to lose without building a ludens or shattered crown.
    More AP mage items riot

  4. I'd love to see some high elo jungle gameplays on your channel.
    I mean these kinds of off neta picks are fun once in a while but i prefer to see actual junglers and in an actual high elo lol

  5. Kingstix running these crazy off meta junglers because kids playing during the holidays. I was up against a ryze jungle earlier playing Vi. It wasnโ€™t even almost close. Pure spanking and all I could think is that Kingstix must have played a ryze jungler today. Nope, is Ez and Veigar! Lol

  6. Now, I understand. Kingstix is really smart… when he makes content he likes to do so while smurfing. You literally don't even have to look up players accounts. Just have the knowledge that Mr.Stix has been challenger and then watch his play vs. his opponents. In his recent vids… he probably smurfing in like plat or low diamond. Just my opinion. But I've seen him vs some straight up gold players… ppl who were able to abuse a single champ to get out of silver… are now facing a multi-time challenger player lmao. So what he does, is tote the champions like Ezreal Jungle so, that the newbies he goes against try to actually jungle Ezreal first time in Gold and help make more content where they ff 15 for Kingy Stixy boy… ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿคฃ
    Jk, Kingstix usually showcases these BS picks (lmao) against other meta junglers which is even funnier


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