A Wild Ghast Appeared (Dadcraft)

This was taken from my stream on January 22nd, 2021! Iโ€™m live every day except Saturday from 11AM-4PM, check it out: http://twitch.tv/Northernlion

Noted dad Sips set up a Minecraft server for other dads and dadlike individuals. Weโ€™ll be playing with a bunch of people eventually (hopefully!) but first I wanted to do some prep work and show Iโ€™m not afraid to put in a little elbow greaseโ€ฆmaybe build a little nether portal or something, nothing serious. Check it out!


35 thoughts on “A Wild Ghast Appeared (Dadcraft)”

  1. In regards to the question asked at @29:07 size does matter, but skill usually matters more. A good example of this is a Japanese MMA fighter nicknamed "The Giant Killer" who would routinely win against opponents who were taller and up to 90Kg heavier than him.

  2. NL is an insane hermit on the top of a mountain. You reach the top hoping that you find an elder that will tell you about the secrets of the universe. Instead, he rants at you about bread integrity and while he rants, you take out some fried fish to eat. Maybe this is all metaphors? You eat it with your hands. This is a fatal mistake. The last thing you see is NL screaming and rushing at you. NL has become SCP 096. And you are dead. The End.

  3. The way NL placed the birch tree wood got me triggered, but then he stripped it and it looked kinda cool. And then I thought heโ€™d miss the block behind the crafting table… anyways my faith in humanity is restored.


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